actually after seeing so many blog it's time to tink abt ncc life for me. u c for me at different stages i learn different tings. let's start from the top.
at ruiyi time i dun rmb much. i only rmb he lyk soccer alot. then training was lyk some boring nonsense we do drills. but i can rmb i join ncc is only because that my bro is inside. and he lyk gonna get some nice big post in his unit. lyk very shiok liddat. so i oso wan to b big lyk him and i joined. so i had lyk headstart i noe more drills than the other ppl. so in the 1st camp i was lyk quite happy to become ic although tio screw abit during the bunk check. quite freaky sia the bunk check. but life goes on la. so ruiyi ord den dat's it liao.
then it's gorilla's turn. well wad he did was the typical job. tekan and tekan. that was when i started to become fitter. but not that fit yet. and i learnt about frenship. the importance. the need to have trust in friends. and then also about leadership. and during his time when i sec 2 i started to tink about those leadership nonsense. and i evaluate myself. am i a leader? actually i knew in my heart i wasn't born to b a leader. no aura. no nothing. at that point of time i only noe to cock. and i havent found out my true personality yet. so i thought toking cock was very cool and even in ncc i oso tok cok. so much to the extent that alot of people think i'm arrogant. yea but i will always rmb ting feng la nice person teach pds.
then butt's turn. well i thought he was more lyk we worked with him rather than he was an nco. but i dun really care. i prefer to treat seniors as frens rather than treat them as some big guy above me. so i thought having kw as nco was quite nice. there was some nonsense going on actually when we take over from kw. i duno whether it's some conflict of beliefs but i really dun care. i tink butt was really nice to us. however some1 juz has to screw up this nice relationship. well wad can i sae? some people can talk and make themselves seem so pro without doing anyting. i lyk these type of ppl. but this guy conflict wif another guy hu is do alot but unfortunately duno how to tok at all. well. what can i sae? but at least he brought us out of the spec course as 2nd seargeants. yea man. steady kid. what i learnt during that time was that u really nid to have trust not only in fren but in other weird ppl u may meet. and time management is a god affair. once u noe how to manage u're genius. and when part c starting it was lyk smrp wif ncc ppl. teachers thought it was a s2pid idea but we 4 prove it wrong sia. too bad babies
now when i take over i learnt the meaning of desolater. stygian. and then not only stygian. u oso nid abit of passive stealth assassin. there are idiots who show themselves when they take over. well wad can i sae? and then there's another bunch of ppl so loyal to a clever kid. well. decipher this long nonsense for yourself babies. but seriously once u are in hcincc u will noe how to get ur friends and especially how to human manage. taking over is no joke affair actually. but remember never ever steal job. lyk that fkin castrated idiot. trying to b funny eh. ass. we doing wad project and gym. u doing wad. showing ur castrated balls in front of everybody. haiz. disappointing ppl. yea man. disappointing. u were lucky that the blady soda was not around. else i wld hav fainted.
politically/socially/morally incorrect things shall be tolerated. some of those shall not be condoned though tolerated.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
i hav started to turn very philosophical. 1stly i hav to say to survive in this blady society u hav to study or find any skill that will give you money. simply speaking u hav to find a means to make urself money and then get what u need to survive. but wad's after that? where's a meaning to life? what are u living for? ask urself. if u do bother to read my blog. what are u here for? why are u here? u mite as well fk off from the face of the earth rite? after this u tink. wad gonna happen to u when u die? go to nowhere? ok if go to nowhere isn't that good? den i mite as well go around killing people, fucking girls and everyting. den i mite as well juz end my life now. since i'm going nowhere after this.
now i saw this in a website and i tot it was very interesting. u all may not be bothered to read this at all. atheist. i dun care. dowan read den too bad. all i can sae is u go tink where are u gonna go after dying? u live on earth to live wif nl and fucktards issit? find ur own meaning to life babies. and if u tink i'm a fucktard myself then too bad. dowan read? the close button is at top right corner. or wherever it is on ur com. read the below
This is a three part cumulative argument, starting with the weakest andending with the strongest. The first, although it doesn't prove thatGod exists, shows how an atheist lives inconsistently with theirbelief. The second lays down all the empirical facts and shows that thebest explanation for all of the facts is that God exists. And thethird is the scientific argument which shows that even science pointsto a God. Keep in mind that no presumption made can be proved as truefor CERTAIN. I'm simply showing you that the belief in a theisticuniverse is the best explaination for the world's existence. Thescientific theories that I will use to back up the argument for theexistence of God have not yet been disproved and are all backed up withstrong evidence such as the Principle of Causality, the Big BangTheory, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics. IF YOUR PRESUMPTION THAT"THERE IS NO THEISTIC UNIVERSE" IS BASED ON SCIENTIFIC THEORIES OTHERTHAN THE THEORIES JUST MENTIONED, PLEASE TELL ME AND EXPLAIN, BUT FIRSTREAD THROUGH WHY I THINK THEY POINT TO GOD.
I) Psychological Argument For The Existence Of God.Either God exists or He doesn't. If God doesn't exist then there arethree things that are true.
A) Life holds no ULTIMATE significance. Even if you argued thatthere is significance in your life such as the enjoyment of doing anything you want, it would not be the Ultimate significance because everyone who has lived or will live in the future will eventually end up in the grave. Even ifreincarnation exists everyone will still die and become nothing becausethe world is slowly deteriorating down to nothing itself.
B) Life has no value. Everthing is permissible. There is no suchthing as right and wrong because there is no all knowing and allpowerful Creator to define what is good and what is bad. It becomessociety who tries to define it. What does that matter though if the people making laws define right from wrong. They are just as human as any other person in the world. The only thing that truly exists is personal preference. What Hitler, Stalin, or any other mass murderer did was not wrong at all. They simply had a different personal preference than you do. The point is, you shouldn't tell anyone thatthey are wrong or even right because they aren't either of thosethings. You can believe that its wrong, but you have no place toground it. People can do anything they want to do without getting punished for their actions if the world lived consistently with the belief that God doesn't exist.
C) There is no purpose to life. Life has no ultimate goal. There is no reason for living. Sacrifice for someone else's life would be stupid.
This argument shows that an atheist lives inconsistently with their own belief. If a murderer who believed murder to be ok, came into your house to brutally murder you and your family, would you think that HE is wrong to do that? If you said no, that he isn't doing any thing wrong, then you would be living consistantly with your beliefs. But ifyou said yes, then you would live as if there were objective morals.But if there is no god to define objective morality then there is only subjective morality. So by saying it is wrong makes it only your opinion, but not the murderers opinion. You would be "pushing your morality on him" which is the opposite of what you believe. You probably believe that "it is wrong to push your morality on another person." Even that statement right there is another objective moral statement. In other words you express your opinions, but don't alwayslive by them.
II) Probable argument. Scientist say that if you have a group of facts out there, you should have a paradigm that best explains these facts. Here are the facts thateveryone who's sane would agree on.
A) Religious experience
What ever culture you go into, people are incurably religious. In every culture you see three things.
1) Everyone, except the atheist, worships a being higher thanthemselves.
2) Everyone has a morality they cannot keep.
3) Everyone is psychologically unsatisfied. People feel anemptiness in themselves that they want to fill. If the material worldwas the only thing that existed and if all your material needs weremet, you should be satesfied right? But how come people who have themost wealth are usually the most unhappy. They constantly want more andmore.
And how can you explain the millions of people in the worldwho say they have felt the closeness of God in their lives? Ipersonally am included with them. I have felt God's presence in my lifeon a consistent basis. Now how can you rationally explain that without God's existence?
B) Miracles.
There are many people in the world who report seeing miracles. Inother words there are people who say that they saw a situation occurwhere there is no naturalistic explanation for it. I personally knowpeople who have had miraculous situations occur, such as immediatehealings. You might argue that science will someday explain those things, but right now you can't explain them. The best explaination isGod, because if God created the world then it wouldn't be hard tobelieve that he can intervene supernaturally in this world.
C) Morality
How do you explain where guilt comes from? How do you explain why all people in the world have this feeling called a conscience that seems to tell them that something is wrong, such as murder. How come people feel a heavy weight on their emotions called guilt when they do something wrong, such as lie and steal, and the best thing to do to take the weight off themselves is to tell the truth and/or ask for forgiveness. If God doesn't exist, then how could you rationally explain all that?
D) Design
First of all, explain the existence of the world. How can you haves omething and not nothing? We see a world so complex that it looks like someone designed it. It has an incredible amount of order to it. If you walked on a beach and saw the words "I love you" written in the sand,would you say, "Isn't it funny how the water by random chance formed those words in the sand." No, you would think that some person wrotethose words themselves. If you took apart a computer and examined the complex parts, would you say, "Isn't it funny how a building with mechanical parts exploded and by random chance came together and created this computer." no, you would think that an intelligent designer spent his time to put the computer together. But how come you see a world full of more complexity and order then every man madestructure put together and you assume that no intelligent designer created it? A single strand of DNA has more information on it then the whole Encyclopedia Britannica. You can't even explain it without God.
Tell me, have you ever seen design and never a designer? You might say that science will explain these questions in the future. Do you think then that the belief in God's existence is stupid? I'm just being what any truly rational person should be, looking at the facts and choosing the best explanation for all those facts. That's how any scientific hypotheses works. But you still don't want to believe in God. You are simply not being a rational person with any of the facts that we have. You just don't want to believe it, not for intellectual reasons, but because you just don't want do believe it period, with no evidence on your side.
III) The Cosmological argument
A) Principle of Causality: Everything that comes to be needs a cause. All science is built on the principle of causality. If it didn't exist then we would have to remove the word "because" from our language. How could we really talk without it?
B) Since something cannot come from nothing, something has to be eternal. It's either God or the World.
C) In 1929 a man named Edward Hubble discovered that the redness of the stars showed that the universe was constantly expanding equilaterally in all directions. He said that the best explanation for that is that there must have been a point in time, called the Big Bang theory where the universe was nothing and then came to be.
D) To further the evidence for the universe having a beginning,there is the scientific law, the 2nd law of Thermodynamics. It says heat moves from hotter bodies to cooler bodies until there is an equilibrium. In other words the universe is constantly winding down until there is a heat death in our universe. That just goes to provethat if the world was eternal then heat death would have already occurred, but since it hasn't occured yet, the universe had to have a beginning. You might say, "Maybe new heat is being put into the universe. But the 1st law of Thermodynamics goes against it because it says that there is no new energy being put into the universe. Sinceeverything that comes to be (the world) needs a cause, the best explanation for this is God. Because there is only two explanations that we see exist. 1. God, and 2. the World. God is the best explanation between the two.
The evidence has finally been laid out for you.
I can also show you that a major historical miracle took place by just examining the facts with you. It's the proof that Jesus Christ rosefrom the dead. That he is God in the flesh. That the Bible is completely logically consistent, and that it is God's Word. That it is objectively true and every other religious belief is objectively wrong. I will also rationally answer the question, "Doesn't the existence of EVIL prove that God doesn't exsist?. Please email me if you want me to prove these things for you using rational arguments. If you have anyother questions or comments, please email me.
er the tings up there is taken from a website. not i wrote it. but anw i agree fully with the arguments even if for some i dunno wad the hell he tokin. i wonder y some ppl sae they are atheist. well. all i can sae is one day u'll find out. but i hope it's not too late. especially if u're my fren i do not want to see u in hell. seriously. i wan to see u all in heaven. but if u're a fucktard hu goes to churches that are lyk parties, we'll see. we'll see if that's something nice. or u hav a nice ending. full version from
now i saw this in a website and i tot it was very interesting. u all may not be bothered to read this at all. atheist. i dun care. dowan read den too bad. all i can sae is u go tink where are u gonna go after dying? u live on earth to live wif nl and fucktards issit? find ur own meaning to life babies. and if u tink i'm a fucktard myself then too bad. dowan read? the close button is at top right corner. or wherever it is on ur com. read the below
This is a three part cumulative argument, starting with the weakest andending with the strongest. The first, although it doesn't prove thatGod exists, shows how an atheist lives inconsistently with theirbelief. The second lays down all the empirical facts and shows that thebest explanation for all of the facts is that God exists. And thethird is the scientific argument which shows that even science pointsto a God. Keep in mind that no presumption made can be proved as truefor CERTAIN. I'm simply showing you that the belief in a theisticuniverse is the best explaination for the world's existence. Thescientific theories that I will use to back up the argument for theexistence of God have not yet been disproved and are all backed up withstrong evidence such as the Principle of Causality, the Big BangTheory, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics. IF YOUR PRESUMPTION THAT"THERE IS NO THEISTIC UNIVERSE" IS BASED ON SCIENTIFIC THEORIES OTHERTHAN THE THEORIES JUST MENTIONED, PLEASE TELL ME AND EXPLAIN, BUT FIRSTREAD THROUGH WHY I THINK THEY POINT TO GOD.
I) Psychological Argument For The Existence Of God.Either God exists or He doesn't. If God doesn't exist then there arethree things that are true.
A) Life holds no ULTIMATE significance. Even if you argued thatthere is significance in your life such as the enjoyment of doing anything you want, it would not be the Ultimate significance because everyone who has lived or will live in the future will eventually end up in the grave. Even ifreincarnation exists everyone will still die and become nothing becausethe world is slowly deteriorating down to nothing itself.
B) Life has no value. Everthing is permissible. There is no suchthing as right and wrong because there is no all knowing and allpowerful Creator to define what is good and what is bad. It becomessociety who tries to define it. What does that matter though if the people making laws define right from wrong. They are just as human as any other person in the world. The only thing that truly exists is personal preference. What Hitler, Stalin, or any other mass murderer did was not wrong at all. They simply had a different personal preference than you do. The point is, you shouldn't tell anyone thatthey are wrong or even right because they aren't either of thosethings. You can believe that its wrong, but you have no place toground it. People can do anything they want to do without getting punished for their actions if the world lived consistently with the belief that God doesn't exist.
C) There is no purpose to life. Life has no ultimate goal. There is no reason for living. Sacrifice for someone else's life would be stupid.
This argument shows that an atheist lives inconsistently with their own belief. If a murderer who believed murder to be ok, came into your house to brutally murder you and your family, would you think that HE is wrong to do that? If you said no, that he isn't doing any thing wrong, then you would be living consistantly with your beliefs. But ifyou said yes, then you would live as if there were objective morals.But if there is no god to define objective morality then there is only subjective morality. So by saying it is wrong makes it only your opinion, but not the murderers opinion. You would be "pushing your morality on him" which is the opposite of what you believe. You probably believe that "it is wrong to push your morality on another person." Even that statement right there is another objective moral statement. In other words you express your opinions, but don't alwayslive by them.
II) Probable argument. Scientist say that if you have a group of facts out there, you should have a paradigm that best explains these facts. Here are the facts thateveryone who's sane would agree on.
A) Religious experience
What ever culture you go into, people are incurably religious. In every culture you see three things.
1) Everyone, except the atheist, worships a being higher thanthemselves.
2) Everyone has a morality they cannot keep.
3) Everyone is psychologically unsatisfied. People feel anemptiness in themselves that they want to fill. If the material worldwas the only thing that existed and if all your material needs weremet, you should be satesfied right? But how come people who have themost wealth are usually the most unhappy. They constantly want more andmore.
And how can you explain the millions of people in the worldwho say they have felt the closeness of God in their lives? Ipersonally am included with them. I have felt God's presence in my lifeon a consistent basis. Now how can you rationally explain that without God's existence?
B) Miracles.
There are many people in the world who report seeing miracles. Inother words there are people who say that they saw a situation occurwhere there is no naturalistic explanation for it. I personally knowpeople who have had miraculous situations occur, such as immediatehealings. You might argue that science will someday explain those things, but right now you can't explain them. The best explaination isGod, because if God created the world then it wouldn't be hard tobelieve that he can intervene supernaturally in this world.
C) Morality
How do you explain where guilt comes from? How do you explain why all people in the world have this feeling called a conscience that seems to tell them that something is wrong, such as murder. How come people feel a heavy weight on their emotions called guilt when they do something wrong, such as lie and steal, and the best thing to do to take the weight off themselves is to tell the truth and/or ask for forgiveness. If God doesn't exist, then how could you rationally explain all that?
D) Design
First of all, explain the existence of the world. How can you haves omething and not nothing? We see a world so complex that it looks like someone designed it. It has an incredible amount of order to it. If you walked on a beach and saw the words "I love you" written in the sand,would you say, "Isn't it funny how the water by random chance formed those words in the sand." No, you would think that some person wrotethose words themselves. If you took apart a computer and examined the complex parts, would you say, "Isn't it funny how a building with mechanical parts exploded and by random chance came together and created this computer." no, you would think that an intelligent designer spent his time to put the computer together. But how come you see a world full of more complexity and order then every man madestructure put together and you assume that no intelligent designer created it? A single strand of DNA has more information on it then the whole Encyclopedia Britannica. You can't even explain it without God.
Tell me, have you ever seen design and never a designer? You might say that science will explain these questions in the future. Do you think then that the belief in God's existence is stupid? I'm just being what any truly rational person should be, looking at the facts and choosing the best explanation for all those facts. That's how any scientific hypotheses works. But you still don't want to believe in God. You are simply not being a rational person with any of the facts that we have. You just don't want to believe it, not for intellectual reasons, but because you just don't want do believe it period, with no evidence on your side.
III) The Cosmological argument
A) Principle of Causality: Everything that comes to be needs a cause. All science is built on the principle of causality. If it didn't exist then we would have to remove the word "because" from our language. How could we really talk without it?
B) Since something cannot come from nothing, something has to be eternal. It's either God or the World.
C) In 1929 a man named Edward Hubble discovered that the redness of the stars showed that the universe was constantly expanding equilaterally in all directions. He said that the best explanation for that is that there must have been a point in time, called the Big Bang theory where the universe was nothing and then came to be.
D) To further the evidence for the universe having a beginning,there is the scientific law, the 2nd law of Thermodynamics. It says heat moves from hotter bodies to cooler bodies until there is an equilibrium. In other words the universe is constantly winding down until there is a heat death in our universe. That just goes to provethat if the world was eternal then heat death would have already occurred, but since it hasn't occured yet, the universe had to have a beginning. You might say, "Maybe new heat is being put into the universe. But the 1st law of Thermodynamics goes against it because it says that there is no new energy being put into the universe. Sinceeverything that comes to be (the world) needs a cause, the best explanation for this is God. Because there is only two explanations that we see exist. 1. God, and 2. the World. God is the best explanation between the two.
The evidence has finally been laid out for you.
I can also show you that a major historical miracle took place by just examining the facts with you. It's the proof that Jesus Christ rosefrom the dead. That he is God in the flesh. That the Bible is completely logically consistent, and that it is God's Word. That it is objectively true and every other religious belief is objectively wrong. I will also rationally answer the question, "Doesn't the existence of EVIL prove that God doesn't exsist?. Please email me if you want me to prove these things for you using rational arguments. If you have anyother questions or comments, please email me.
er the tings up there is taken from a website. not i wrote it. but anw i agree fully with the arguments even if for some i dunno wad the hell he tokin. i wonder y some ppl sae they are atheist. well. all i can sae is one day u'll find out. but i hope it's not too late. especially if u're my fren i do not want to see u in hell. seriously. i wan to see u all in heaven. but if u're a fucktard hu goes to churches that are lyk parties, we'll see. we'll see if that's something nice. or u hav a nice ending. full version from
Friday, December 21, 2007
i cunt believe it. i din see my good fren 2day. i wonder wad he was doing. anw let's get to the point. today is the theory of life. and from 2 different points.
well 1stly let's tok abt gaming as usual. u c i hav this very nice person i noe. he at first o i love to read books it's wonderful. books are such wonderful tings. so everywhere he is he will b reading book. and reading happily some more. but when he was introduced to this game about defending frozen assets and hairless trees he was so absorbed into it. i dunno y. suddenly he begin to tink that ooo this game is life. o my if i play this game i'm a hip and funky kid. oooo i look so sexy suddenly every one is looking at me and say that i'm a genius. come baby sae i'm genius. but well once he become a pro and then he starts to go deeper into this addiction and then oooo dat's it. well wad can i sae? some ppl dunno how to balance. i mean this balance is impt. but that guy hasn't even learnt this art of balancing. do u even tink he can walk on a strand of dick hair? i dun tink so. cant even balance. all i can tell this type of ppl if u tink u play game till pro and look lyk a pro well u are not pro. and if u tink u are hip and funky and cool by playing game den well wad can i sae? and if u tink gaming can become a profession dat's not my problem. all i can sae is there are ur parents slogging their asses out for money. wad abt u? gaming for money? well if u tink that's a good ting go ahead. i cant stop u.
and the next part i wan to tok abt is abt love. u c love is not that same ting as watching porn. alot of ppl lyk to link these 2 tings 2gether. once u enjoy watch porn and is a porn fan means u enjoy lyking ladies. that's wrong. porn and lyk girl different. unless u lyk the girl in the porn. dat's not my business. but for those hu don't even bother to socialise wif ladies den wad can i sae to u? shuddup when it comes to the topic rather than giving idiotic comments. well if u dun shuddup it will reveal that u're an idiot and asshole. if u shuddup i may tink that u are only an ass but that's ok cos u nver show ur stupidity. so i will not noe. but opening ur mouth will mean that well u wan to prove that stupidity. so it's not my problem. and then for those porn despos out there i noe of some dangerous walking porn carriers. so s2pidly despo. got problem sia. c'mon la porn only nid everywhere meh. ur head oso hav porn liao. y waste time. and later i heard some ppl dl the porn is nid pay money one. for wad? lame shit.
well 1stly let's tok abt gaming as usual. u c i hav this very nice person i noe. he at first o i love to read books it's wonderful. books are such wonderful tings. so everywhere he is he will b reading book. and reading happily some more. but when he was introduced to this game about defending frozen assets and hairless trees he was so absorbed into it. i dunno y. suddenly he begin to tink that ooo this game is life. o my if i play this game i'm a hip and funky kid. oooo i look so sexy suddenly every one is looking at me and say that i'm a genius. come baby sae i'm genius. but well once he become a pro and then he starts to go deeper into this addiction and then oooo dat's it. well wad can i sae? some ppl dunno how to balance. i mean this balance is impt. but that guy hasn't even learnt this art of balancing. do u even tink he can walk on a strand of dick hair? i dun tink so. cant even balance. all i can tell this type of ppl if u tink u play game till pro and look lyk a pro well u are not pro. and if u tink u are hip and funky and cool by playing game den well wad can i sae? and if u tink gaming can become a profession dat's not my problem. all i can sae is there are ur parents slogging their asses out for money. wad abt u? gaming for money? well if u tink that's a good ting go ahead. i cant stop u.
and the next part i wan to tok abt is abt love. u c love is not that same ting as watching porn. alot of ppl lyk to link these 2 tings 2gether. once u enjoy watch porn and is a porn fan means u enjoy lyking ladies. that's wrong. porn and lyk girl different. unless u lyk the girl in the porn. dat's not my business. but for those hu don't even bother to socialise wif ladies den wad can i sae to u? shuddup when it comes to the topic rather than giving idiotic comments. well if u dun shuddup it will reveal that u're an idiot and asshole. if u shuddup i may tink that u are only an ass but that's ok cos u nver show ur stupidity. so i will not noe. but opening ur mouth will mean that well u wan to prove that stupidity. so it's not my problem. and then for those porn despos out there i noe of some dangerous walking porn carriers. so s2pidly despo. got problem sia. c'mon la porn only nid everywhere meh. ur head oso hav porn liao. y waste time. and later i heard some ppl dl the porn is nid pay money one. for wad? lame shit.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
o my. 2day my spies have told me even better stories. i love u fren. u're true fren man. i love scouts. u c i've gathered so much info from all my frens hu are lyk spies. very fun. and i've found out dat our fren plp hav been in so much action. are u trying to get into the good books of me? it's not easy to do it my dear fren. if u wanna get a high place well i tell u be natural. if u were more natural i would hav tot that you are a good boy. but unfortuantely u dowan to show that u're a good boy. u prefer to show the good boy side of u, and that was the most stupid thing u could have done on earth.
ya la 2day u may be able to niao here and there. and try to make things go in ur way. hey dun move hey ic can scratch balls. u tink i'm blind and deaf? i can see everyting. cos i am a genius. dun think the others are blind to wad u're doing. u tink we're s2pid? well go and think again. purposely trying to show that u're very alert lyk a person wanking and afraid of ppl probing into privacy and ready to hide if anyone comes near him. c'mon la can u wake up ur idea? i seriously think some stuff are given out wrongly. juz lyk the title of a pro dota player can be given to fkin cb hu curse and shout and kp loudly in lan some more. public some more. u tink u big ar. i hope that u were playing wif some pro gangster. zibei kid.
yea let's move on to another blady idiot. and u spoiled half of my day baby. u tink wad. u are a pro? okla okla u're a genius la. my tiny is a noob la. i'm noob dota player la. u talented gamer la. ok u win. but i tell u a secret. i can predict ur future. well i can tell u nxt time u gonna join some gang or form ur own gang and patronise lan lyk an idiot. and u're gonna club one. i can tell wif ur attitude most likely alot of gang would love u. cursing happily in public and having a sexy body and a sexy face. i wonder wad would happen to u if a real gang come to find u. hahahahahhhaha. dowan to be a good boy and study and play dota as a enjoyment and juz wan to act that u're big? well i tink supposedly non ang moh and supposedly chinese schools wasn't ur best choice kiddo. u shld hav went to ang moh one. there hav better ppl to club wif and kpkb wif.
ya la 2day u may be able to niao here and there. and try to make things go in ur way. hey dun move hey ic can scratch balls. u tink i'm blind and deaf? i can see everyting. cos i am a genius. dun think the others are blind to wad u're doing. u tink we're s2pid? well go and think again. purposely trying to show that u're very alert lyk a person wanking and afraid of ppl probing into privacy and ready to hide if anyone comes near him. c'mon la can u wake up ur idea? i seriously think some stuff are given out wrongly. juz lyk the title of a pro dota player can be given to fkin cb hu curse and shout and kp loudly in lan some more. public some more. u tink u big ar. i hope that u were playing wif some pro gangster. zibei kid.
yea let's move on to another blady idiot. and u spoiled half of my day baby. u tink wad. u are a pro? okla okla u're a genius la. my tiny is a noob la. i'm noob dota player la. u talented gamer la. ok u win. but i tell u a secret. i can predict ur future. well i can tell u nxt time u gonna join some gang or form ur own gang and patronise lan lyk an idiot. and u're gonna club one. i can tell wif ur attitude most likely alot of gang would love u. cursing happily in public and having a sexy body and a sexy face. i wonder wad would happen to u if a real gang come to find u. hahahahahhhaha. dowan to be a good boy and study and play dota as a enjoyment and juz wan to act that u're big? well i tink supposedly non ang moh and supposedly chinese schools wasn't ur best choice kiddo. u shld hav went to ang moh one. there hav better ppl to club wif and kpkb wif.
Monday, December 17, 2007
o my. this clever kid. once u get a chance u grab hold of that chance lyk a cock rider that is stuck to dat dick. c'mon la can u use ur blady brain?? this chance is not cannot take away one la. i can easily take it away from u boy. u nub la. tmr i'll appear b4 u and karchiao u hahahhaha. but i'm not so asshole cos i'm not in a nice position to. if i were then u'd b dead by now baby. sorry boy. i noe u too well. u tink u liddat kpkb when u get authority eh? so fast tok lyk me liao. no. i mean. ur thought process is so weird and curly and idiotic that u are even better than jonj liao. u beyond godlike liao. better than jonj liao. okok pro. but i tell u u're gonna b stopped. u may play for me the song plp more. but i tell u i rather the song start wif it's AI bitch. hahahahahha. go and zibei pls. and tink abt it. u're so sure u going to hold on to some one else's job ar? i rather let u hav my job. it's free one u noe. it's good for u. u can become pro juz lyk me and gen.
yea once again in this world ur feelings on com actually is very much muz b controlled by wad's happening around u. let's sae around u is fun fun u on com oso quite fun fun. let's sae behind u ppl kpkb u will sianded. dat's wad is very common nowadays. sian. use com no privacy not fun la fk.
yea once again in this world ur feelings on com actually is very much muz b controlled by wad's happening around u. let's sae around u is fun fun u on com oso quite fun fun. let's sae behind u ppl kpkb u will sianded. dat's wad is very common nowadays. sian. use com no privacy not fun la fk.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
well once again the real side of jokerhar has been revealed. wad can i sae? if u enjoy tinking on the surface go ahead babies. it's true i always sae tink simple. but simple does not mean on the surface tinking. on the surface means u dun even bother tinking. simple means u think but u dun complicate up the situation. but u c i dunno y everyone enjoys to niao nowadays. c'mon la u niao and sarcasm and everyting wad's the use? the guy only confused only. but he cant do anyting. u wan u come la. xia lan me. sarcasm wad shit. sarcasm for those young ppl who havent gone into a real place b4. u dare use sarcasm ppl will juz sae this nub dun even noe wad he's doing. come la. play xia lan. u all will face it. asses.
again i would need to sae some ppl are not as shallow as u tink they are. when u're in a situation which is difficult do u tink u wan ppl to comment? u comment only show u're an asshole. fk. i dun understand. if u're not in dat fking position to comment u fkin shut ur blady mouth. and stop using niao and sarcasm. come straight to the point. juz xia lan la. fk. i am sick and tired of another type of ppl. u show no decent care for others. i tink i shall not show decent care for u ppl in the future if u continue. nvm. i will not sae hu it is. but well if u tink u are wonderful. 1st ting to do is to come in front of me or maybe whisper in front of me about i lyk this girl and that girl and last time lyk this and that last time i eat that girls fanny minuman. yes? u tink very fun? fkin cb. come la. u tink not fun still wan play. soon these type of ppl shall face me in my dick. i will shuff their heads into my asshole. fk.
but nvm la i oso no power. i'm juz another failure wad. only success in study. other than that wad can i do best? play music? erps. i still so noob. sing song? every one tink very er xing. nvm. that one ok. but well wad i do nxt time. busker ar? music teacher ar? nvm la. i tink i gonna remain single liao. every single zha bor i go for all gg one. fk. very fun? fk u man. i'm sick and tired of tinking abt such tings. but it's inevitable one. sian. my fault? lyk i wan hav such ting happen. it is true i hav already obtained the level when i dun use niao much anymore but wad's the use? erps. nonsense. no choice. failure is failure. muz admit. i hav failed. i will shave off all my hair.
again i would need to sae some ppl are not as shallow as u tink they are. when u're in a situation which is difficult do u tink u wan ppl to comment? u comment only show u're an asshole. fk. i dun understand. if u're not in dat fking position to comment u fkin shut ur blady mouth. and stop using niao and sarcasm. come straight to the point. juz xia lan la. fk. i am sick and tired of another type of ppl. u show no decent care for others. i tink i shall not show decent care for u ppl in the future if u continue. nvm. i will not sae hu it is. but well if u tink u are wonderful. 1st ting to do is to come in front of me or maybe whisper in front of me about i lyk this girl and that girl and last time lyk this and that last time i eat that girls fanny minuman. yes? u tink very fun? fkin cb. come la. u tink not fun still wan play. soon these type of ppl shall face me in my dick. i will shuff their heads into my asshole. fk.
but nvm la i oso no power. i'm juz another failure wad. only success in study. other than that wad can i do best? play music? erps. i still so noob. sing song? every one tink very er xing. nvm. that one ok. but well wad i do nxt time. busker ar? music teacher ar? nvm la. i tink i gonna remain single liao. every single zha bor i go for all gg one. fk. very fun? fk u man. i'm sick and tired of tinking abt such tings. but it's inevitable one. sian. my fault? lyk i wan hav such ting happen. it is true i hav already obtained the level when i dun use niao much anymore but wad's the use? erps. nonsense. no choice. failure is failure. muz admit. i hav failed. i will shave off all my hair.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
i hav to admit that in this world muz consdier everyting and use ur brain properly. sometimes it is impt to hav this and that, sometimes it is not. well wad i can sae is many ppl hav to make biased judgements at times. u cannot be 100% accurate when u sae that o this person is wad wad wad unless u are very very very very very close to that person. or else it is not good on u to juz make a quick judgement on the person. but sometimes it is maybe of bad 1st impression or other factors. so again well u hav to present urself as a nice person all the time.
well i was toking to some1 ytd. and i think that it is very impt that sometimes tings cannot be taken for granted. but once again i tink from 2day onwards i nid to really go deep into this topic. i may go into full research and finding out what is happening. yes, that guy told me well being christian not only believe. muz do some others. but on the other hand some ppl tell me no it is free. wad can i sae? i tink to totally understand the situation, i will read and find out and research on it. but as usual, at the same time i will still be telling everyone that to be christian is free. but after u are christian u are not totally free.
well i was toking to some1 ytd. and i think that it is very impt that sometimes tings cannot be taken for granted. but once again i tink from 2day onwards i nid to really go deep into this topic. i may go into full research and finding out what is happening. yes, that guy told me well being christian not only believe. muz do some others. but on the other hand some ppl tell me no it is free. wad can i sae? i tink to totally understand the situation, i will read and find out and research on it. but as usual, at the same time i will still be telling everyone that to be christian is free. but after u are christian u are not totally free.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
wa. ytd see pro. 2day is see noob. very fun. 2 days hav variety of tings this is wonderful. u c ytd was toking abt this pro making a life out of revolutions and rotations and spinning. 2day this guy is abt leadership seh. a noob tokin abt leadership. now that's real platform for leadership. hmmmm. real platform for leadership wor. ya. can see? noob toking abt a platform of leadership. i hope he noes it properly. he said himself wad it was too easy to be true. u tink it is so easy to get a nice big job in a nice organisation? tink again boy.
No.3 is a v prestigious uniform in NCC. hmmmm. no. 3 very prestigious arh. u sure or not? well i tend to disagree. no.3 is short sleeve. wear the no. 2. more sexy. long sleeve one. den is oso used for formal occasion. for those speaker hu go up the stage to tok. so no. 3 very prestigious? maybe lo. i dun tink so anw since ncc girls every1 oso hav a no.3. awwwww. u wan to b a girl? go ahead boy.
we are the pioneers of butterfly (swimming) in Singapore. wow wonderful baby. sure or not? i tot the michael phelps more pro at swimming. and the joscelin yeo oso not bad wad. y u are pioneer of swimming some more in s'pore? and some more nid ang moh to tell me that u are pioneer of swimming? aiyo. c'mon la. use brain. go to the sports school la. sports school u can concentrate on swimming. y u nid to come to somewhere not that posh den learn swimming? yea i only can agree with the efficiency of the world.
anw to all beware at amoy quee camp. cos my cousin tell me got artillery fire there. dunno whether blank or real la. dat day some ncc idiot walk walk around at the artillery area den tio xia lan by the encik. sad. so beware of artillery. or u get some metal on ur head only la. become wolverine only la.
No.3 is a v prestigious uniform in NCC. hmmmm. no. 3 very prestigious arh. u sure or not? well i tend to disagree. no.3 is short sleeve. wear the no. 2. more sexy. long sleeve one. den is oso used for formal occasion. for those speaker hu go up the stage to tok. so no. 3 very prestigious? maybe lo. i dun tink so anw since ncc girls every1 oso hav a no.3. awwwww. u wan to b a girl? go ahead boy.
we are the pioneers of butterfly (swimming) in Singapore. wow wonderful baby. sure or not? i tot the michael phelps more pro at swimming. and the joscelin yeo oso not bad wad. y u are pioneer of swimming some more in s'pore? and some more nid ang moh to tell me that u are pioneer of swimming? aiyo. c'mon la. use brain. go to the sports school la. sports school u can concentrate on swimming. y u nid to come to somewhere not that posh den learn swimming? yea i only can agree with the efficiency of the world.
anw to all beware at amoy quee camp. cos my cousin tell me got artillery fire there. dunno whether blank or real la. dat day some ncc idiot walk walk around at the artillery area den tio xia lan by the encik. sad. so beware of artillery. or u get some metal on ur head only la. become wolverine only la.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
aiyo. wa i heard from some of my spies that a pro flirting sia. a pro. u noe wad's a pro? i mean he's really pro wad. professional leh. Engaging in a given activity as a source of livelihood or as a career. u noe. wa pro player neh of something that flying and spinning not lyk sybian stuck there one leh. flirting liao. big liao. ok lo. big lo. big can flirt lo. all the ladies swarm to u lo. u big. i will pray to u lyk jonj. i mean now u're bigger than jonj liao la. cos u found a steady woman liao sia la. can flirting everyday liao. aiya c'mon la dun betray ur true self. u are only good for mugging la. liddat maybe u succeed cos the other one they sae opposite attract ma. the girl sexy rite. opposites attract. so u noe wad u are wad. the girl is not mugger rite? ya opposites attract. the girl noe how to pose rite? opposites attract wad. that's y u can b 2gether.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
nub. sch nub. fkin loser. come. play wif lao die again rite. forcing me to go to that farmer place? fuck off. dat's all i can sae to u. stop being such a loser. everyting oso force student go. u tink wad. every1 tink lyk u arh. fkin arsehol. u tink u pms i scared u?? u tink cos u fat i scared u? pms fker. pms big arh. fk la. u tink pms u so big u come la. i drink ur blood. produce some for me pls. nubshit. everyting oso wan to make decision for us. loser
u lyk to farm isnt it? go farm la. u wan go china rite? u go lo. is that my fault? y nid to force me to waste time and money and sex over there? pms fker. u tink wad. ok la. maybe not the pms fker. maybe the fat one. u tink liddat can force me to go farm over there? not so easy kids. fkin losers. all i can sae to u is if u are facing a fker lyk me u better not play around. fkin hell. u tink wad. make the students live in resentment? i will become hitler soon. u watch out. all i can tell u is: fuck off. thx
u lyk to farm isnt it? go farm la. u wan go china rite? u go lo. is that my fault? y nid to force me to waste time and money and sex over there? pms fker. u tink wad. ok la. maybe not the pms fker. maybe the fat one. u tink liddat can force me to go farm over there? not so easy kids. fkin losers. all i can sae to u is if u are facing a fker lyk me u better not play around. fkin hell. u tink wad. make the students live in resentment? i will become hitler soon. u watch out. all i can tell u is: fuck off. thx
Saturday, December 01, 2007
after tinking for some time u c i hav come to the conclusion that some ppl dun lyk to look at tings they dun even bother to read. which is true. let's sae u come to a topic in which u dun really like. do you think you will bother to read for example an article about this on the newspaper? in the world many tings count on interest and 1st impression. for example i lyk soccer a lot. so i take up soccer, do some technique training or sth. then let's sae i'm still very interested, go for audition. if so lucky get into a training, den the coach nice, den will even more interested to go for the trainings. but let's sae if the interest and passion die down, then sorry. ur life will then back to sian. or maybe if the 1st impression of the coach is that u tink he's a arse, then you will also sian.
at times 1st impression more impt. lyk soccer, if u go into the team, and that coach treats u lyk an asshole, u will not want to stay there. same for let's say sth like dota or cs. the 1st time u play den u tio thrash. and after awhile u still tio kill. and u c other ppl playing lyk no kik liddat. do u tink u will still want to continue? maybe if ur future career is dota la. den that's not my problem. yes and speaking about career if u going to get some career that u noe very well ppl will look down on u, e.g. u plp to a top position in a company, u will confirm get despised. sorry boys. and i hope this is not the case for some ppl that i noe. and dun get a lame job that is despised, lyk money laundering. else sth like professional gaming. u play game for money. ppl working so hard down there. i tell u if i noe anyone professional gaming and earn more money than me i will fkin despise that guy.
and i would like to say sth abt watching shows. for example u watch too much show everyting oso very nice, in the end bad buys get caught one. this type of show bad man. it will show that society so nice. i tink should come out more r21/m18 shows that talk abt o this guy kill kill kill then nearly got caught but run away. more ppl try den still tyco run. and the show end. this type of show should come out in movies here man. this depict real life. u c ppl lyk the osama or wad terrorist sth sth wad la. they can run away and put pics and videos about themselves trying to xia lan ppl. we should hav more of such shows man. this is reality, not some utopian world. get real. well all i can sae is i try to get real, but the world needs some idealism to work actually. wad's ur stand? a balance? erps
at times 1st impression more impt. lyk soccer, if u go into the team, and that coach treats u lyk an asshole, u will not want to stay there. same for let's say sth like dota or cs. the 1st time u play den u tio thrash. and after awhile u still tio kill. and u c other ppl playing lyk no kik liddat. do u tink u will still want to continue? maybe if ur future career is dota la. den that's not my problem. yes and speaking about career if u going to get some career that u noe very well ppl will look down on u, e.g. u plp to a top position in a company, u will confirm get despised. sorry boys. and i hope this is not the case for some ppl that i noe. and dun get a lame job that is despised, lyk money laundering. else sth like professional gaming. u play game for money. ppl working so hard down there. i tell u if i noe anyone professional gaming and earn more money than me i will fkin despise that guy.
and i would like to say sth abt watching shows. for example u watch too much show everyting oso very nice, in the end bad buys get caught one. this type of show bad man. it will show that society so nice. i tink should come out more r21/m18 shows that talk abt o this guy kill kill kill then nearly got caught but run away. more ppl try den still tyco run. and the show end. this type of show should come out in movies here man. this depict real life. u c ppl lyk the osama or wad terrorist sth sth wad la. they can run away and put pics and videos about themselves trying to xia lan ppl. we should hav more of such shows man. this is reality, not some utopian world. get real. well all i can sae is i try to get real, but the world needs some idealism to work actually. wad's ur stand? a balance? erps
Thursday, November 29, 2007
i dun lyk some noobs. u c once upon a time a pro golf player said a pro leader nids to be able to use his brain and delegate jobs to other ppl. dat's rite. dun tank. y tank? only tank a certain amount that you're totally comfortable with. y act hero? wad for. seriously. wad for? is there a use in acting hero? once u cannot do juz tell the person pls i cannot do liao. y 1st ting u do is u go some where and sae sex here and there.
u c lyk me now the fren ask me do something. i can do cos it's simple. and i nv ask for more one. nver ask for more as a matter of fact. dun b pro. gey kiang. or u juz wan act in front of someone. if u so despo to get into the guy's good books den sorry. den u go and die. i will despise u even if u will have a better record than me. aww. how sad. once i can see that u're the typical plp type den i tell u i may not be so nice to you from that time onwards. watch out boys.
u c lyk me now the fren ask me do something. i can do cos it's simple. and i nv ask for more one. nver ask for more as a matter of fact. dun b pro. gey kiang. or u juz wan act in front of someone. if u so despo to get into the guy's good books den sorry. den u go and die. i will despise u even if u will have a better record than me. aww. how sad. once i can see that u're the typical plp type den i tell u i may not be so nice to you from that time onwards. watch out boys.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
i feel sad for ppl nowadays. juz bcos i can see u as nice person and tok to u abt something lame u tink i'm really lame. sorry lo. u dunno my true side den u dun tok. dun tink i'm really so nice and lame and cock to everybody. as a matter of fact i wan u all to wake up ur blady idea. continue tinking that ppl lyk me very nice and open abt sex. fkin ccb. all i can tell those ppl hu tink i'm looking for sex is u go to geylang and find ur wife. i tell u if u're this type of ppl hu tink that love is a part of sex, fuck off. wad does love comprise of? only sex? tink abt it man. if u tink love is sex den sorry.
i hav never liked a person because i can hav sex. and that she's horny. there is more to only o cos that girl sexy wad fk. if u wan to b a fkin ccb and only tink that i lyk ppl cos i can hav sex den u go tink abt it. idiotic. as a matter of fact stop listing a fkin whole list of ladies in front of me. u tink it's very fun? on the surface i seem very nice to everyone. maybe too nice to everyone that ppl tink i'm really this way or that way. i tell u u're wrong. totally wrong. u wan to noe more abt me den u make me trust u such that i will tell u stuff that u will never noe.
lyk girl juz for sex? that's the lamest thing in life. u tink love is about sex only??? if i'm gonna marry somebody it's not because she can giv me children. is that she can giv me love. idiotic. if u wan to only everyting is sex den so be it. i'm making it clear i'm not that fkin typical dom u see on the streets. ccb. watch out. u better not come in front of me and list ppl out again and see which 1 is wad eligible bachellorette. ccb
i hav never liked a person because i can hav sex. and that she's horny. there is more to only o cos that girl sexy wad fk. if u wan to b a fkin ccb and only tink that i lyk ppl cos i can hav sex den u go tink abt it. idiotic. as a matter of fact stop listing a fkin whole list of ladies in front of me. u tink it's very fun? on the surface i seem very nice to everyone. maybe too nice to everyone that ppl tink i'm really this way or that way. i tell u u're wrong. totally wrong. u wan to noe more abt me den u make me trust u such that i will tell u stuff that u will never noe.
lyk girl juz for sex? that's the lamest thing in life. u tink love is about sex only??? if i'm gonna marry somebody it's not because she can giv me children. is that she can giv me love. idiotic. if u wan to only everyting is sex den so be it. i'm making it clear i'm not that fkin typical dom u see on the streets. ccb. watch out. u better not come in front of me and list ppl out again and see which 1 is wad eligible bachellorette. ccb
Saturday, November 24, 2007
hmm actually i din noe that old ppl noe much fkin more than us. and they are oso quite opiniated. i havent really tok to my mother father in detail actually. he eyes got problem one, dunno cataract etc. but well after toking to him i din noe seriously there was a prob wif s'pore once upon a time. i din noe all those riots so bad.
well all i can sae is that old ppl are actually impt to society. they can tell u abt their past experiences. wad happened to them, and they are like juz sae everyting. they will not keep much to themselves one. very nice. unlike nowadays, u c ppl only tell u half the story. which is very bad. y tell half? actually even i oso tell half the story. so that it doesn't take too much of explaining.
well all i can sae is that old ppl are actually impt to society. they can tell u abt their past experiences. wad happened to them, and they are like juz sae everyting. they will not keep much to themselves one. very nice. unlike nowadays, u c ppl only tell u half the story. which is very bad. y tell half? actually even i oso tell half the story. so that it doesn't take too much of explaining.
Friday, November 23, 2007
fark leh. u c y always liddat one. lucky many ppl lyk not so close la. but i liddat leh. they my cooking idol sia. cooking imba one. and then now 1st one die liao now 2nd one gonna oso very soon. fk up. all sort of disease after u get old. always liddat. every 1 lyk oso muz go through such a stage. c la. now if die no more chilli. only left wif 1 imba cook which is my aunt, father sister or better known as my grandmother daughter. anw my father and his sister their relationship oso lyk shit. dunno y. some sort of quarrel when they start to work. erps. i tink both of them are dam lame la. c'mon leh. u liddat oso can accuse each others of being ass holes. well i nowadays tend to take neutral stance to this ting. too bad.
but seriously let's talk. y u wanna spoil relationship. i tink siblings very impt. cos u all from the same mother and/or father. u all muz filial ma. where got sae wad o cos i tink he's an arsehol so i boycott and dun take care of my father and mother. wad sort of fk up attitude is this. they hav children 1 reason is that is see u take care of them den shoik ma. where got sae unhappy means unhappy and dun take care one. so i tink it's very impt la that u kip relationship good. rather than u very cold to ur siblings.
but seriously let's talk. y u wanna spoil relationship. i tink siblings very impt. cos u all from the same mother and/or father. u all muz filial ma. where got sae wad o cos i tink he's an arsehol so i boycott and dun take care of my father and mother. wad sort of fk up attitude is this. they hav children 1 reason is that is see u take care of them den shoik ma. where got sae unhappy means unhappy and dun take care one. so i tink it's very impt la that u kip relationship good. rather than u very cold to ur siblings.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie is made up on your side
When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok
I miss you
I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do reminds me of you
And the clothes you left, they lie on the floor
And they smell just like you, I love the things that you do
When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok
I miss you
We were made for each other
Out here foreverI know we were, yeah
All I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I'd do, I'd give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me, yeah
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok
I miss you
well wad can i sae? if everyone cared, nobody cried, if everyone loved nobody lied. and more importantly if everyone shared and swallowed their pride, then we'd see the day dat ppl stop emoing, suiciding, etc. arses. u watch out. and if everyone stopped plp around den we see the day when some idiots will not b able to survive by true ability
I never thought I'd need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie is made up on your side
When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok
I miss you
I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do reminds me of you
And the clothes you left, they lie on the floor
And they smell just like you, I love the things that you do
When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok
I miss you
We were made for each other
Out here foreverI know we were, yeah
All I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I'd do, I'd give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me, yeah
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok
I miss you
well wad can i sae? if everyone cared, nobody cried, if everyone loved nobody lied. and more importantly if everyone shared and swallowed their pride, then we'd see the day dat ppl stop emoing, suiciding, etc. arses. u watch out. and if everyone stopped plp around den we see the day when some idiots will not b able to survive by true ability
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
very dangerous. pls dun play wif drugs. drugs very dangerous. it's not class 1 or 2 or 3. it's a class 4 drug. very pro one. once u start u almost cannot stop. unless u turn into a musician. and i'm not joking. try it. it's sugar free. but once u start. all i can sae to u u will hav a craving. it's lyk u get virus. u only get struck by the same virus once. not twice. so most likely after 1 u will not crave for the same drug but u will find another. but u may turn back to old ones again.
so kids better not play wif drugs. will destroy ur life. maybe at first is add some shoikness to ur life. but all i can sae is well if u rly get hooked on this type of drug. dun turn into a siao kia. pls kip ur life normal. dun gung ho. if u gung ho all i can sae to u is sorry. gungho no use one. u will only depression in the end. use ur brain. only put tings liddat. u hav to b careful. dun waste too much cash and time oso. very dangerous. dun use too much of ur life on such drugs. only use it on drugs that hav potential. but unfortunately again dun learn from me. this drug no potential but i still hooked on it. haiz. i cannot let go of that drug. it's powerful. maybe nid to meet a new drug 1st den can.... sian
so kids better not play wif drugs. will destroy ur life. maybe at first is add some shoikness to ur life. but all i can sae is well if u rly get hooked on this type of drug. dun turn into a siao kia. pls kip ur life normal. dun gung ho. if u gung ho all i can sae to u is sorry. gungho no use one. u will only depression in the end. use ur brain. only put tings liddat. u hav to b careful. dun waste too much cash and time oso. very dangerous. dun use too much of ur life on such drugs. only use it on drugs that hav potential. but unfortunately again dun learn from me. this drug no potential but i still hooked on it. haiz. i cannot let go of that drug. it's powerful. maybe nid to meet a new drug 1st den can.... sian
Monday, November 19, 2007
i will stop using heroes that hav an active aoe skill. unless the skill is imba one. cos i found out it was a fkin mistake i made. why use aoe? it's useless. u shld use spells that only cast on the idiot. so from now on maybe i shall use things lyk bounty hunter, sa, etc. cos they will kill the person u wan only. they cannot mass kill unless get bfury. wonderful. aim on the arse u wanna destroy, and destroy. shiok man. i luv it.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
dangerous. dangerous. u muz watch out for idiots. u c in the world idiots are very well concealed. but unfortunately for some they are not so bad. but i tink i juz found out 1 idiot that was so well concealed that i forgot that i singled him out but then missed out on him. now i understand. dat clever kid. i shld hav followed u into the toilet and destroyed ur brains and so that i can eat. so far i only eat b4 chicken brain. i nv eat b4 other brains as far as i can rmb. but u watch out. if there is more chances i tink u will b destroyed.
but in this world u hav to make some things subtle. so subtle that no one would understand wad u tryna do. which is good and bad. e.g. if u wanna do a proj, u nid to work wif other ppl. so u muz make others understand. but if u toking cock to urself then y make it obvious? but anw hu really cares. no one understand anw that blog can be used to post anyting...
but in this world u hav to make some things subtle. so subtle that no one would understand wad u tryna do. which is good and bad. e.g. if u wanna do a proj, u nid to work wif other ppl. so u muz make others understand. but if u toking cock to urself then y make it obvious? but anw hu really cares. no one understand anw that blog can be used to post anyting...
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
i wan to sing a song. called kawantan. u c i hav a fren called this sort of a yellowish brownish colour. ok hav u seen b4 AgI? the silver iodide. it's sort of that colour. that colour is called tan if u dunno. can search on internet for this colour. cos this colour very good. u c nowadays in modern warfare, we do hav all those jungle camouflage, desert camouflage, modern buildings area camouflage etc. but especially in such a urban camouflage business this guy very pro.
u c he uses his brain. i lyk his style. he uses brain, and he noes about urban camouflage. he loves to wear the type of desert camouflage to act cute in the buildings la. but he clever kid ma wardrobe change suddenly will urban camouflage one. muz use brain to destroy this guy. dangerous. we muz obliterate. kawantan is a danger. highly volatile. muz react into another substance den can. he plants his friends, spies, porn photographer all over so that he can see into other ppl privacy. e.g. i tryna sex then he wan to look my length. careful of kawantan. dat's y i muz sing a song.
u c he uses his brain. i lyk his style. he uses brain, and he noes about urban camouflage. he loves to wear the type of desert camouflage to act cute in the buildings la. but he clever kid ma wardrobe change suddenly will urban camouflage one. muz use brain to destroy this guy. dangerous. we muz obliterate. kawantan is a danger. highly volatile. muz react into another substance den can. he plants his friends, spies, porn photographer all over so that he can see into other ppl privacy. e.g. i tryna sex then he wan to look my length. careful of kawantan. dat's y i muz sing a song.
Monday, November 12, 2007
wake up ur idea man. i dunno y some people actually take ur personal stuff and let other ppl noe. especially lyk wad u do. seriously i dun understand. maybe that's ur style la. u wan put ur journal or diary or wadeva on the internet so that every1 can see. ok too bad. i anyting one. but sadly i dun understand y ppl want to do dat
e.g. 2day i go fk my sister or my fren or wadeva den u post on the blog. then ppl will sae wa this guy paedophile, idiot etc. c'mon leh. u put all ur private life there 4 wad. erps. maybe ur sphere of ur privacy big la, can let ppl noe o 2day i brush my teeth, i go play wif my balls, etc. although i most tings oso anyting one, i juz dunno y ppl prefer to put liddat only. put more tinking ma. u c open tinking is good. when u hav any new feelings put ma. then ppl see they will wa this guy siao gao everyting oso muz tok theory. sad. i dunno y ppl prefer to see o 2day i went to toilet all those.
e.g. 2day i go fk my sister or my fren or wadeva den u post on the blog. then ppl will sae wa this guy paedophile, idiot etc. c'mon leh. u put all ur private life there 4 wad. erps. maybe ur sphere of ur privacy big la, can let ppl noe o 2day i brush my teeth, i go play wif my balls, etc. although i most tings oso anyting one, i juz dunno y ppl prefer to put liddat only. put more tinking ma. u c open tinking is good. when u hav any new feelings put ma. then ppl see they will wa this guy siao gao everyting oso muz tok theory. sad. i dunno y ppl prefer to see o 2day i went to toilet all those.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Gay Dumbledore Gimme More
wa i din noe ppl can get so dam creative. u gotta watch. juz for a piece of rubber or plastic or shit u can use that harry potter guy
Friday, November 09, 2007
u c in this world u muz destroy. if u dun destroy fast enuff well too bad. u get destroyed. but that doesn't mean u cannot counter destroy. if u do so then it's good for u and too bad for the other guy. juz rmb that u muz not be destroyed in the end. wake up man. y waste ur time on lame idiots? they tryna destroy u but too bad refuse to get destroyed. thats the spirit man
and use ur brain la. people liddat u muz giv that type of face. u got nothing to do arh? tok so much cock. lame sht. all i can sae abt u is u dun cock around wif me. b4 u end up in nothing. watch out.
and use ur brain la. people liddat u muz giv that type of face. u got nothing to do arh? tok so much cock. lame sht. all i can sae abt u is u dun cock around wif me. b4 u end up in nothing. watch out.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
well wad can i say? wad's the meaning of sadness? fk up man. u use ur fkin brain la. idiotic. sad man. how can liddat? dun dare say but keep watching only. very fun arh? sian. where got liddat one. but anw impossible wad. chio bu ma. every1 oso wan one. die. i mite as well disappear. some small fry only wad. most likely she already hav her plan liao. isn't it obvious. how to grab the chances? cheap shot oso cannot.
any suggestions? no way man. i dun tink even a genius can help me. wad can i sae?
i walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams
where the city sleeps and i'm the only one and i walk alone
sometimes i wish someone out there will find me
till then i walk alone
any suggestions? no way man. i dun tink even a genius can help me. wad can i sae?
i walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams
where the city sleeps and i'm the only one and i walk alone
sometimes i wish someone out there will find me
till then i walk alone
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
gg. they sae o is for the only one i c. not bad. quite i true stuff. i can only see her as the sexy one. and my fren oso sae there's the theory that if u fall for a cheerleader u'll only fall for another one if break. ooo. i oso agree wif that man. c'mon la see liao so sexy u still wan to go for another one meh? and some more this one not only sexy oso can study one. si buay shiok.
u muz try. then u will understand the fk up feeling. u cannot chase one cos she's lyk not interested in u. sad. haiz
u muz try. then u will understand the fk up feeling. u cannot chase one cos she's lyk not interested in u. sad. haiz
Monday, November 05, 2007
y muz life b liddat. fk up man. when u c a sexy lady and u can hav close contact wif her but unfortunately u noe that she will reject u one. confirm. trying oso no use. c'mon leh. now ultimate liao lo. the cheerleader so sexy buay tahan liao but then fking hell ppl sae she hav boyfren or wad liao. sad man.
dat's y ppl sae life is unfair. i feelin fk up man. soon i will mental. if i mental pls help me carry out some of my stuff. but seriously i wonder y always liddat one. especially me. sad man. in so close proximity oso cannot. haiz. very sad. and i noe that it confirm wont work out cos after this it's gonna b at least 7months or so b4 she comes back. sad. and she will b doing sth by then... u noe that si buay fk up feeling? u wan. but u noe u cant. and then when u try u feel guai lan. aiya cannot describe one la. has happened to me a few times liao. sad.
dat's y ppl sae life is unfair. i feelin fk up man. soon i will mental. if i mental pls help me carry out some of my stuff. but seriously i wonder y always liddat one. especially me. sad man. in so close proximity oso cannot. haiz. very sad. and i noe that it confirm wont work out cos after this it's gonna b at least 7months or so b4 she comes back. sad. and she will b doing sth by then... u noe that si buay fk up feeling? u wan. but u noe u cant. and then when u try u feel guai lan. aiya cannot describe one la. has happened to me a few times liao. sad.
Friday, November 02, 2007
wa not bad. here can post some more. the house wireless sia. alot of wire. i like. and some more 1 family 1 dua house of the cost of 1 hdb in s'pore. fk la. cheap stuff. u c s'pore 1 sq foot is 1 $50 note. here wad 1 storey is $50 dollar. idiotic. and i tink 1 storey of their house is lyk a 5 room hdb liao. and total rooms i tink hav 10 or above here. 3 storey + basement some more. and if wan a sample of a room pls look below.
but anw here to work. arse. and nid to work wif limited time some more. shld giv us more time here to slack wif the zha bor wad. y so kanchiong go there then come back liao since my place quite shoik. yea and below is the room i staying at. and if u wan more wait la. i lax one. here the pace quite laxing so i oso laxing. so little picture since i laxing.
but anw here to work. arse. and nid to work wif limited time some more. shld giv us more time here to slack wif the zha bor wad. y so kanchiong go there then come back liao since my place quite shoik. yea and below is the room i staying at. and if u wan more wait la. i lax one. here the pace quite laxing so i oso laxing. so little picture since i laxing.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
fk up la. y everyting in my life muz b stopped by dat fkin nub. arsehol. fk up la. c'mon leh. some ppl i wan disturb now he oso noe. and not only noe. is quite familiar wif some more. fk la. where hav liddat one. arse. i wan liddat oso cannot. sometimes it's like this. u sae life is unfair. i dun tink so. life is actually quite fair. is cos some idiots disturb the balance. so they sae life is unfair. and u c this arsehol destroy my balance. arse.
fkin nub. let's flame this nub. u c he tryna b sexy. he tink he sexy. and he may be sexy to some ppl cos he hav a very nice mouth. his mouth very sexy. good for him. he that type can tok until very real eh. fkin hell. u tink wad. tok good enuff arh. i hav enuff. u c wa every day oso can lyk see him eh. idiot. juz watch his face and u noe liao la. i wonder when he going to b jonj. destroy dat nub la. try to pose her and there. c'mon man. u lucky only. watch out kid. i'll destroy u soon. and when i sae destroy it's destroy. and i sae watch out. y u not looking outside the window. idiots.
fkin nub. let's flame this nub. u c he tryna b sexy. he tink he sexy. and he may be sexy to some ppl cos he hav a very nice mouth. his mouth very sexy. good for him. he that type can tok until very real eh. fkin hell. u tink wad. tok good enuff arh. i hav enuff. u c wa every day oso can lyk see him eh. idiot. juz watch his face and u noe liao la. i wonder when he going to b jonj. destroy dat nub la. try to pose her and there. c'mon man. u lucky only. watch out kid. i'll destroy u soon. and when i sae destroy it's destroy. and i sae watch out. y u not looking outside the window. idiots.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
wa. smrp is very difficult. if u really put effort into it. it requires risks, etc etc. especially losing ur face. it's impt. i've done so in the last few attempts from my various smrp projects. you see for example you needa mutate the bacteria. but the bacteria stubborn. or ur concentration too imba. the bacteria die. 2 choices. so u hav to do a moderation. and u can get the results.]
but most impt in smrp is actually the never sae die factor. you muz never sae die, else the smrp is game over. you muz really destroy it. play against it. and you will get the result u wan. maybe u wan to doctor pics, etc. but well all i can sae is use ur brain.
but most impt in smrp is actually the never sae die factor. you muz never sae die, else the smrp is game over. you muz really destroy it. play against it. and you will get the result u wan. maybe u wan to doctor pics, etc. but well all i can sae is use ur brain.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
actually in life u muz maintain a balance. u c if u wanna eat eat den u muz also tink of ways to exercise, burn fat. if u wan to play game den u muz regen enuff. if u wanna play sport den also muz regen enuff. if u wan to study den u muz balance. den everyting falls on this balance of tings. but unfortunately i dunno y some ppl the balance inside hav time for posing. wad a waste of time. anw learn to kip this balance. impt sia.
and i tinking of wad to put here. we cannot advertise some song sang by a pro. so unfortunately sorry lo. but can sae abit la. dun tink i dunno our next door neighbour is wad. they buy deso until so obvious. wan to promote racial harmony everyting oso giv 1 race. sorry la. where got liddat?? in s'pore actually not so good oso, but it's quite worth it actually. u tink. they sae u work more u get more. dat's quite true only. the truf is if u can work and u can por and better still if u're pro for some reason, u confirm own one. not only u can work. cos if u're a noob and u work hard but ur efforts ppl cannot see, so too bad.
and i tinking of wad to put here. we cannot advertise some song sang by a pro. so unfortunately sorry lo. but can sae abit la. dun tink i dunno our next door neighbour is wad. they buy deso until so obvious. wan to promote racial harmony everyting oso giv 1 race. sorry la. where got liddat?? in s'pore actually not so good oso, but it's quite worth it actually. u tink. they sae u work more u get more. dat's quite true only. the truf is if u can work and u can por and better still if u're pro for some reason, u confirm own one. not only u can work. cos if u're a noob and u work hard but ur efforts ppl cannot see, so too bad.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
wrong. let me make an amendment. when u want to destroy make sure u dun b a joker. and i stress is the Joker. Joker. geddit. and u c wad happens if u're a Joker. u try to act clever. and never try to imitate jokerhar. he has committed great mistakes at times. but unfortunately use ur brain and dun b a Joker. and destroy other ppl so obviously. u wan to destroy make the moves small. use brain. and 2day i wanna destroy some1 publicly. called a void. u c the void. is so pro. he 2day come and find me and sae he's has the best fertiliser and pesticides and herbicides. arse. this is tiao zhan quan wei. i will use ulti on him. soon. muz charging.
in the world arh sometimes it's good to destroy some ppl. but if u destroy sometimes well they sae u destroy never destroy properly. cos u destroy dat person and u destroy another person at the same time. so they will never happy if u destroy. and unfortunately some ppl worse. cannot destroy wan destroy, but so unlucky hav no power to destroy. this type of ppl nid to sympathise. cos alot of times we wanna destroy. but we dun hav the ability to. e.g. u c the maphacker. u destroy but unfortunately is the other team is dependent on him. u destroy him den other ppl cannot play, and u destroy a game. is liddat one.
but even worse for some ppl. this is very suay. maybe got a limiting reactant. but u c when u wanna build sth, but u get destroyed immediately. or u feel the urge to destroy something u built. or some others feel the urge to destroy dat ting. den dat's sad. dat's the worst case...
but even worse for some ppl. this is very suay. maybe got a limiting reactant. but u c when u wanna build sth, but u get destroyed immediately. or u feel the urge to destroy something u built. or some others feel the urge to destroy dat ting. den dat's sad. dat's the worst case...
idiotic. i feelin very confused. confusion. some pokemon muz b. idiotic. arse. u c. y cant some ppl stay as a noob. stay as mediocre? y does it mean when u pro muz b go here go there, force to be pro. y cant u b pro but not go on to such nonsense. i dun understand. this world is liddat screw one. when u pro all will come to u and find u and sae hey u go here u go there. fkin hell. y cant i not go here and there??? fkin waste of my time. y cant i go to somewhere where there's slower pace of life??? u c s'pore is a place where mugger, slavedriver, workaholic excel. but unfortunately if u're a noob mugger, slave driver or workaholic u die oso. but if u're pro but u're a slacker they will make u excel. fkin hell. and i dowan to excel. i wan to stay as mediocre. but they dun allow such a ting called mediocre. they will never allow it.]
giv u a very good example. some ppl is cmi one. cannot study. so they tink they mite as well juz get studies over and done wif and go for jobs immediately. but for some ppl their parents dowan. and they insist that they can become pro by studying. this is wad i call fkin hell. u c u cannot pro by study. u mite as well get urself in a some skills or mayb business stuff. cos these nid special ppl den can do one. but no. the parents sae o study is god. and u can become god by study. fk up la. where got such a ting. and even worse the parents were last time pro one in their studies. liddat gg. they are most likely slavedrivers and workaholics now. or maybe forced to work but want to slack, but liddat is ok. but if they are slavedrivers and workaholics, sorry ur life die. y? they will tink o since last time i always get 100% for tests u can oso get. den ur life is fk up one. cos ur passing grade is actually 50% only den can liao. but they will ask for hey u fker get a 100% la. fkin noob.
this type of parents is fker one. if u hav this type is gg. i feel very fk up. thx to there's an arse here. every ting oso tink he's the best, tink he thinking method best, tink he study best, tink he relationship best, tink he everyting best. u tink wad. u fker. hav u ever put urself into a modern world context?? hav u put urself into our shoes???? fker. u go tink abt it. use ur fkin brain. if u're here to make a conclusion and tink that now is same as last time when every1 is mugger, i tell u fuck off. u juz leave all ur money here and fuck off. see how well u do without us. fkin hell. u everyting 1st ting is to sae hello u dunno this qn u dunno that qn, noob. dat's all u wanna imply. u're the best and we're noob. rite? maybe u din intend it this way, but how u phrase ur stuff make us tink this way. sorry boy. u go see wad we lyk nowadays and get back to me. fker. use ur brain la. everyting oso u read wad method of thinking. fk off. use ur brain. u go read up on books on how to tok to ur children and wife 1st den u come tok to me.
i would b so grateful if u're here, u shut ur mouth and provide the money. other than that 99.9% of ur words are useless. and ur brain is best for u noe wad? being a slavedriver hu cannot stop working. confidential work supposed to do in the office secretly bring back. wad reason? obvious rite. use ur brain la. hu wouldn't want a slack life for himself? hehe. u fkin use ur brain 1st. den u come to tok to us. stupid ppl is stupid. u can nv make a stupid person a genius. u genius u good. but we stupid the max only can become not bad. and i tink we have achieved it. but u fkin want us to become genius. so now u understand y i am so happy if u were to leave ur cash here, and shut ur mouth??? and sae something sensible can? rather than tokin cok. and fkin around wif us and make us feel so dam fked up
giv u a very good example. some ppl is cmi one. cannot study. so they tink they mite as well juz get studies over and done wif and go for jobs immediately. but for some ppl their parents dowan. and they insist that they can become pro by studying. this is wad i call fkin hell. u c u cannot pro by study. u mite as well get urself in a some skills or mayb business stuff. cos these nid special ppl den can do one. but no. the parents sae o study is god. and u can become god by study. fk up la. where got such a ting. and even worse the parents were last time pro one in their studies. liddat gg. they are most likely slavedrivers and workaholics now. or maybe forced to work but want to slack, but liddat is ok. but if they are slavedrivers and workaholics, sorry ur life die. y? they will tink o since last time i always get 100% for tests u can oso get. den ur life is fk up one. cos ur passing grade is actually 50% only den can liao. but they will ask for hey u fker get a 100% la. fkin noob.
this type of parents is fker one. if u hav this type is gg. i feel very fk up. thx to there's an arse here. every ting oso tink he's the best, tink he thinking method best, tink he study best, tink he relationship best, tink he everyting best. u tink wad. u fker. hav u ever put urself into a modern world context?? hav u put urself into our shoes???? fker. u go tink abt it. use ur fkin brain. if u're here to make a conclusion and tink that now is same as last time when every1 is mugger, i tell u fuck off. u juz leave all ur money here and fuck off. see how well u do without us. fkin hell. u everyting 1st ting is to sae hello u dunno this qn u dunno that qn, noob. dat's all u wanna imply. u're the best and we're noob. rite? maybe u din intend it this way, but how u phrase ur stuff make us tink this way. sorry boy. u go see wad we lyk nowadays and get back to me. fker. use ur brain la. everyting oso u read wad method of thinking. fk off. use ur brain. u go read up on books on how to tok to ur children and wife 1st den u come tok to me.
i would b so grateful if u're here, u shut ur mouth and provide the money. other than that 99.9% of ur words are useless. and ur brain is best for u noe wad? being a slavedriver hu cannot stop working. confidential work supposed to do in the office secretly bring back. wad reason? obvious rite. use ur brain la. hu wouldn't want a slack life for himself? hehe. u fkin use ur brain 1st. den u come to tok to us. stupid ppl is stupid. u can nv make a stupid person a genius. u genius u good. but we stupid the max only can become not bad. and i tink we have achieved it. but u fkin want us to become genius. so now u understand y i am so happy if u were to leave ur cash here, and shut ur mouth??? and sae something sensible can? rather than tokin cok. and fkin around wif us and make us feel so dam fked up
Friday, October 12, 2007
hey. 2day i've found the most clever ting on earth. very clever one. fkin hell. u all muz read. i re-enact but not so accurate
person A on sentinel saes: host i have a fren. can let him come in?
person B on scourge saes: host we have same fren.
person A on sentinel saes: host -apsp?
ok u can sae i stupid. cos they wan apsp so that they can 2gether. but u tink. u c arh. y not they ask me whether they can 2gether, and their fren 2gether wif them on scourge team? cos i top hav 3 fren liao, then they can request go down ma. but they dowan. but let's not so make their life difficult. cos i'm stupid.
person A on sentinel saes: host i have a fren. can let him come in?
person B on scourge saes: host we have same fren.
person A on sentinel saes: host -apsp?
ok u can sae i stupid. cos they wan apsp so that they can 2gether. but u tink. u c arh. y not they ask me whether they can 2gether, and their fren 2gether wif them on scourge team? cos i top hav 3 fren liao, then they can request go down ma. but they dowan. but let's not so make their life difficult. cos i'm stupid.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
if u feel offended abt the posts on this blog, well all i can sae is u can put the blame on tcs king. and u will have to end up wif. tcs. i wanna quote a part of a lyrics from the song, officially released on 24 July 2007, "Sorry, Blame it on me" from the re-released album of Konvicted by Akon. Specifically speaking, his name is Aliaune Damala Bouga Time Puru Fuckka Lu Lu Lu Badara Akon Thiam
I'm sorry that it took so long to see
They were dead wrong trying to put it on me
I'm sorry that it took so long to speak
But I was on tour with Gwen Stefani
I'm sorry for the hand that she was dealt
For the embarrassment that she felt
Just a little young girl trying to have fun
Her daddy should never let her out that young
I'm sorry for Club Zen getting shut down
I hope they manage better next time around
How was I to know she was underage
In a 21 and older club they say
Why doesn't anybody wanna take blame
Verizon backed out disgracing my name
I'm just a singer trying to entertain
Because I love my fans I'll take that blame
Even though the blame's on you [3x]
I'll take that blame from you
And you can put that blame on me [2x]
You can put that blame on me
And you can put that blame on me
and i can tell u dat's wad many ppl do. but unfortunately, they get away wif it. y? cos they push the blame on me, they push the blame on me, they push the blame on me, i gladly take from u. and u can put that blame on me, u can put that blame on me, even though the blame's on you, i take that blame from u.
I'm sorry that it took so long to see
They were dead wrong trying to put it on me
I'm sorry that it took so long to speak
But I was on tour with Gwen Stefani
I'm sorry for the hand that she was dealt
For the embarrassment that she felt
Just a little young girl trying to have fun
Her daddy should never let her out that young
I'm sorry for Club Zen getting shut down
I hope they manage better next time around
How was I to know she was underage
In a 21 and older club they say
Why doesn't anybody wanna take blame
Verizon backed out disgracing my name
I'm just a singer trying to entertain
Because I love my fans I'll take that blame
Even though the blame's on you [3x]
I'll take that blame from you
And you can put that blame on me [2x]
You can put that blame on me
And you can put that blame on me
and i can tell u dat's wad many ppl do. but unfortunately, they get away wif it. y? cos they push the blame on me, they push the blame on me, they push the blame on me, i gladly take from u. and u can put that blame on me, u can put that blame on me, even though the blame's on you, i take that blame from u.
Convict... music, and u noe we up front
I see you windin� and grindin� up on the floor
I know you see me lookin' at you and you already know
I wanna fk you, you already know
I wanna fk you, you already know
and dat's wad i wan tell the test and some ppl. some is literal cos nice. cos sexy, etc. some is use the interprete meaning. and if u noe hu i wanna hav sex wif at geylang it's very obvious. at least u c the neutral creeps. free money, oso so nice. ur allies oso very nice to u. cos usually when neutral they wun karchiao, etc. but u nid to fk ur enemy. it's very important. and i tell u when it's getting dark u may nid abit of a mh. maybe dat guy too big already. can easily destroy trees, bamboo shoots, etc etc, buildings. so u may nid alittle mh to guide u along to destroy this big tinging. especially the genitals of this big tingy.
I see you windin� and grindin� up on the floor
I know you see me lookin' at you and you already know
I wanna fk you, you already know
I wanna fk you, you already know
and dat's wad i wan tell the test and some ppl. some is literal cos nice. cos sexy, etc. some is use the interprete meaning. and if u noe hu i wanna hav sex wif at geylang it's very obvious. at least u c the neutral creeps. free money, oso so nice. ur allies oso very nice to u. cos usually when neutral they wun karchiao, etc. but u nid to fk ur enemy. it's very important. and i tell u when it's getting dark u may nid abit of a mh. maybe dat guy too big already. can easily destroy trees, bamboo shoots, etc etc, buildings. so u may nid alittle mh to guide u along to destroy this big tinging. especially the genitals of this big tingy.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Thursday, October 04, 2007
got alot of new theory sia. but duno where to put. hehe. i have found and isolated a very new element. it is called uuuuuuuuuu........(etc).......qh. it has a qh number of u b4 the qh, and has a qh number of isotopes.
and some information:
the number qh is a subset of imaginary numbers. thus the square of qh is actually a real value. go to the other blog for more ideas. cos here cannot post too much. and other blog will hav alot of mind boggling questions for u! e.g. what is qh²?
and some information:
the number qh is a subset of imaginary numbers. thus the square of qh is actually a real value. go to the other blog for more ideas. cos here cannot post too much. and other blog will hav alot of mind boggling questions for u! e.g. what is qh²?
Saturday, September 29, 2007
i juz wanted to dig out some past scores. if u are clever, pls go to the 1st link which reads pro dota player..... etc. this is a very pro one. old scores to settle. i've found out eh. u use such tactics against me. i keep all post anonymous leh. see how u wanna play wif me. u lose kiddo. i use exodia. hahahahhaha. instant win.......... woooo.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
actually it's best if ur mouth not too big, not too small, but the size of ur mouth is juz nice. if the size of ur mouth is juz nice, what happens is that every1 would enjoy listening to u. however there are worse ppl lyk me. the mouth not too big, but not too small. but the mouth only can sae some type of vocab that does not sound nice to others. and they hate it. this type of ppl very bad. one of the worst type liao. of course there are even worse such as the headquarters type. that type is called they enjoy having sex in geylang. but those ppl the mouth only can sae one type of topic is called whole day tok abot sex in geylang. get the diff hehe.
anw i saw this genius on youtube. very artistic guy. he draw a dick. den change it to a face. den he draw a vagina. den change into a face. and many others e.g. if i nv rmb wrongly he draw a anal sex i tink but change it to another picture. genius man. only artistic guys can do dat sia.... but unfortunately alot of us cant do this. sae something den change it. or do something den change it. most of the time it's cos the big guys dun allow u to do so. it is seriously very difficult if u wan draw a dick face but change it to a genius face. haiz. too bad. the world is black.
yea the world is black
and hearts are cold
and there's no hope
that's what we're told
and we cant go back
it wont be the same
forever changed
by the things we say...
muz agree wif that man. face it. use ur brain. and hu makes the world black?? at least from a individualistic point of view?? i noe everyone is tinking e.g. that sexer, that prostitute, that offender. but at least tink abt urself. i admit i make the world black. but too bad. this is the world. it's like this. since it wan play game so be it. i oso play game wif the world.
anw i saw this genius on youtube. very artistic guy. he draw a dick. den change it to a face. den he draw a vagina. den change into a face. and many others e.g. if i nv rmb wrongly he draw a anal sex i tink but change it to another picture. genius man. only artistic guys can do dat sia.... but unfortunately alot of us cant do this. sae something den change it. or do something den change it. most of the time it's cos the big guys dun allow u to do so. it is seriously very difficult if u wan draw a dick face but change it to a genius face. haiz. too bad. the world is black.
yea the world is black
and hearts are cold
and there's no hope
that's what we're told
and we cant go back
it wont be the same
forever changed
by the things we say...
muz agree wif that man. face it. use ur brain. and hu makes the world black?? at least from a individualistic point of view?? i noe everyone is tinking e.g. that sexer, that prostitute, that offender. but at least tink abt urself. i admit i make the world black. but too bad. this is the world. it's like this. since it wan play game so be it. i oso play game wif the world.
Monday, September 24, 2007
i hav enuff of it. guerilla warfare is always the root of all evil. after tinking there are dunno how many fkin idiots hu dun even deserve a spot. juz look through the list of ppl. i may not b deserving. i may juz easily b another fker whom every1 tink i shld sit around and do nothing. unfortunately i had a LITTLE bit of luck and got a small job. small paying job. $100 dollar per month. nvm. i'm satisfied. it's ok. u dowan to giv me a big job i take small blow job. blady idiot. and i tell u guerilla warfare is bad again. i can easily tell u dat. watch carefully kid. u may tink dat u can make a genius out of a shit. ok. that is possible in the area of study. but i tell u dat can never happen if u wan to turn an idiot into a leader. i can tell u no such ting. maybe an idiot can turn into a normal person la. but i can tell u if u wan to train an idiot to b a leader u need at least 30 years. if u train 3 years maybe u get a normal kid. or maybe dat guy still an idiot.
now lemme giv u an example. and this is the harshness of society. kindly read carefully. ur ability is lyk kinetic energy. ur potential is juz lyk gpe. when ur potential is being developed, which means ur potential energy decrease, ur kinetic energy will increase. now at this point of time, the summation of ke and gpe shld b a constant. and if this constant is a very low value, then ur full potential and ability may be reached faster. and can be noticed earlier. u good. u fker lucky. i can tell u dat. fkin cb. this is wad happens. those hu hav limited potential but show ability 1st hav a fkin good chance to get higher jobs. unfortunately pls read on for the suay guys
now the suay guys are those high potential energy but low ke, and their summation of ke and gpe is much fkin higher. however their ability is lower than those hu hav lower summation currently, and they fkin will not get noticed. and even more unfortunate, if they cannot bring out and develop this fkin potential, the potential is fkin wasted. and many ppl are like this. may be full or promise. but fkin did not get notice cos the big guys blind. and they only wan to see the current ability. i will start guerilla warfare wif such blind anti mage 2day. blady hel.
i dowan to b specific lest any1 try to find me for inflammatory post. saya already being the bad guy by being the guerilla warfare starter. hehe. so wad?? some fkers are needed to b described in detail. agree??? u may tink i'm juz some other idiotic fker hu do not consider all factor b4 an action. unfortunately dat's me. and u shld watch dat carefully. the paragraphs above. and see which 1 u fkin fall in. and see whether u are one hu go geylang everyday for some stimulation.
now lemme giv u an example. and this is the harshness of society. kindly read carefully. ur ability is lyk kinetic energy. ur potential is juz lyk gpe. when ur potential is being developed, which means ur potential energy decrease, ur kinetic energy will increase. now at this point of time, the summation of ke and gpe shld b a constant. and if this constant is a very low value, then ur full potential and ability may be reached faster. and can be noticed earlier. u good. u fker lucky. i can tell u dat. fkin cb. this is wad happens. those hu hav limited potential but show ability 1st hav a fkin good chance to get higher jobs. unfortunately pls read on for the suay guys
now the suay guys are those high potential energy but low ke, and their summation of ke and gpe is much fkin higher. however their ability is lower than those hu hav lower summation currently, and they fkin will not get noticed. and even more unfortunate, if they cannot bring out and develop this fkin potential, the potential is fkin wasted. and many ppl are like this. may be full or promise. but fkin did not get notice cos the big guys blind. and they only wan to see the current ability. i will start guerilla warfare wif such blind anti mage 2day. blady hel.
i dowan to b specific lest any1 try to find me for inflammatory post. saya already being the bad guy by being the guerilla warfare starter. hehe. so wad?? some fkers are needed to b described in detail. agree??? u may tink i'm juz some other idiotic fker hu do not consider all factor b4 an action. unfortunately dat's me. and u shld watch dat carefully. the paragraphs above. and see which 1 u fkin fall in. and see whether u are one hu go geylang everyday for some stimulation.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
hehe. some people sae my blog guailan. too bad lo. wad can i sae? hi-5 is juz a dam pro band man. unfortunately u all dun see it the way i do.
anw exam coming sia. nt my fault too. and den all people come kp me o baby u fker exempted from science and maths fk mugger. well too bad lo. if u wan see it that way. shld i juz sae u nv use brain and only can start tinking abt o baby i wan to push and shove until u fall down i feel so shoik. o baby i throw u on the floor i feel so shoik. i so fat and so strong i push u u fall down i very shiok. u push me down i oso wan push u down o baby i feel shiok. wad nonsense. use ur brain la. mite as well nt waste ur time on such nonsense. y so interested. and use ur brain la. wan avoid den avoid la. dun act lyk avoiding. fkin hell. and wan see me lift table juz sae la. gimme porn and erect can liao. dun waste my time. u ask me erect now how to. gimme porn i show u. fkin hell. and try accuse me of mugging. well if u tink so den go ahead. i already sae i 与世隔绝 wif u ppl.
unfortunately if u dowan accept the fact den too bad. i hav the rite to choose hu i wan to be wif, and even if i wan to have sex in geylang myself only without u it's nt my fault. saya hav human rites. unless u dun respect such a ting.
anw exam coming sia. nt my fault too. and den all people come kp me o baby u fker exempted from science and maths fk mugger. well too bad lo. if u wan see it that way. shld i juz sae u nv use brain and only can start tinking abt o baby i wan to push and shove until u fall down i feel so shoik. o baby i throw u on the floor i feel so shoik. i so fat and so strong i push u u fall down i very shiok. u push me down i oso wan push u down o baby i feel shiok. wad nonsense. use ur brain la. mite as well nt waste ur time on such nonsense. y so interested. and use ur brain la. wan avoid den avoid la. dun act lyk avoiding. fkin hell. and wan see me lift table juz sae la. gimme porn and erect can liao. dun waste my time. u ask me erect now how to. gimme porn i show u. fkin hell. and try accuse me of mugging. well if u tink so den go ahead. i already sae i 与世隔绝 wif u ppl.
unfortunately if u dowan accept the fact den too bad. i hav the rite to choose hu i wan to be wif, and even if i wan to have sex in geylang myself only without u it's nt my fault. saya hav human rites. unless u dun respect such a ting.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
yes lucky i rmb to post. i get sick and tired of arses and idiots comin to xia lan me. fkin cb. u might tink its not xia lan. but c'mon. go for eq test. find out ur eq. my eq not very high. i tell u urs is suck cock. fkin cb. 1st ting u come to me and tok abt wad. aiyo 2day u noe ur class soccer blah blah noob blah blah. 1st tings 1st i tell u i nt close to my class. u c wad they do. waste of time. i rather lim kopi than waste time. lim kopi at least can eat sth but they hav sex everyday for wad. waste time? burn fat? mayb cos they tink they fat or wad i nid grow fat so i dun hav sex. but anw 1st ting u sae is my class soccer noob nvm. but u insist until it's lyk my problem. den i ask u wad's ur fkin problem??? tell u i nt close wif them then u still nid to insist lyk my fault liddat.
let's dig out old scores. once upon a time u ask me how to do diving for keeper. u ask me for wad. wan compare ur proness against me arh. fkin cb. i noob u come ask. u pro ask noob. wad u mean. act humble or juz tryna b and idiot. fkin cb. if u noe u are dat vagina. come find me. blady vagina. i've enuff of u kid. wan make others pist. lucky u failed 2day. i shut my mouth. make urself happy by karchiaoing others. clever. boost ur eq. i wonder wad the sch has done to teach some young boys such as this and ah ching about eq. i tink absolutely nothing since our health point students are lyk wad. guailan kia. disiao kia. sex kia.
let's dig out old scores. once upon a time u ask me how to do diving for keeper. u ask me for wad. wan compare ur proness against me arh. fkin cb. i noob u come ask. u pro ask noob. wad u mean. act humble or juz tryna b and idiot. fkin cb. if u noe u are dat vagina. come find me. blady vagina. i've enuff of u kid. wan make others pist. lucky u failed 2day. i shut my mouth. make urself happy by karchiaoing others. clever. boost ur eq. i wonder wad the sch has done to teach some young boys such as this and ah ching about eq. i tink absolutely nothing since our health point students are lyk wad. guailan kia. disiao kia. sex kia.
Monday, September 17, 2007
sometimes saya bo understand. new theory. y some ppl hav so much time to tok so much cok on com, and especially blog, and make sure in quite grammar correct one. i dunno y. they pro maybe. pro time management skill learnt from lao dyea. muz b. or else tink hav alot of time but actually dun hav. or else is they really hav so much time.
according to source a got a person sae it's relax while blogging. suck my cock more relaxing la. that one nid use brain recall recall den sae. b lyk me. blog wad u feel about at that time. y waste time sae 2day i wake up sex, after that go somewhere else some1 pay me money to sex him, etc etc. for wad.
according to source a got a person sae it's relax while blogging. suck my cock more relaxing la. that one nid use brain recall recall den sae. b lyk me. blog wad u feel about at that time. y waste time sae 2day i wake up sex, after that go somewhere else some1 pay me money to sex him, etc etc. for wad.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Hi-5 Dream On (magic)
hey every1 muz watch this la. wad a nice video. if u all wan more it's no problem hehe
Thursday, September 06, 2007
sexy. i've found out one of the worst type of ppl. they tink they big den they feel they big then they find that they big. den they tink others are crap. and wad they do, lyk tcs and humour, are all altered from normal human understanding. but nvm. liddat nvm. worst one is dat type they tink they so big dat they tink they are god. and all shall find them good cos they hav a good grasp of language and can easily shoot back. but liddat havent best yet.
wan filter these type of ppl easy. put them in an interview. the big guys hav a table and files to look at. but these tink big ppl only hav a chair to sit on. then start asking qn. see whether they hum. if they not hum they are gg. they are gone. everyone will tink they are irritatin. but however if they are scared, they are noobs. so these type of ppl at the end of the day is die. many e.g. are around.
wan filter these type of ppl easy. put them in an interview. the big guys hav a table and files to look at. but these tink big ppl only hav a chair to sit on. then start asking qn. see whether they hum. if they not hum they are gg. they are gone. everyone will tink they are irritatin. but however if they are scared, they are noobs. so these type of ppl at the end of the day is die. many e.g. are around.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
slim and xlx impressive eh. teaching how to tok. this world is liddat. if u asked a qn to dat guy and if dat guy nv answer u properly then they will sae aiyo this idiot. dunno his stuff. but actually dat guy is a pro but only dunno how to tok. let's take another case. this idiot tok very pro but dunno his stuff but can crap. so u ask him same cheem qn he will giv u lots of nonsense very fluently and look much more pro than the pro but actually the pro is the pro and the idiot is the idiot but he will look much better than the pro. why??? cos he can tok. as a matter of fact. we all really hav to learn how to tok. i found out.
what's there to be scared when u tok something sensible??? there's nothign to be scared of. so y dun u tok??? some ppl tell me they scared tok because got higher power. i oso hav such a prob actually, all have to learn to tok la actually. and there is actually one problem if u noe or shld i sae if u can crack this code. sometimes the bigger powers can tok and despise the smaller powers and only take the pros into consideration. these (this) fuckers. arsehol. u tink wad u c ppl doing someting mentally stretching and intellectually stimulating you come and despise us. fkin cb. i will end it here. u will c how i do tings. u fkin cb
what's there to be scared when u tok something sensible??? there's nothign to be scared of. so y dun u tok??? some ppl tell me they scared tok because got higher power. i oso hav such a prob actually, all have to learn to tok la actually. and there is actually one problem if u noe or shld i sae if u can crack this code. sometimes the bigger powers can tok and despise the smaller powers and only take the pros into consideration. these (this) fuckers. arsehol. u tink wad u c ppl doing someting mentally stretching and intellectually stimulating you come and despise us. fkin cb. i will end it here. u will c how i do tings. u fkin cb
Sunday, August 19, 2007
eh. sometimes the blog used to tok cok. some ppl use to write diary. some ppl use to record their porn video. some ppl use it for proj. some ppl use it for this and that. etc. so i choose to use my blog as nonsense. nt bad eh? lame cok. now nothing to do. nid to edit dat smrp report only. cos they say 3000 words only. sian. how u wan me to wad. condensation? i rather use evaporation than increasing concentration. i mean use pouring away than increasing concentration. haha. but in the process still hav evaporation then will increase concentration. hu cares anw?
i tink a very good hero is called zeus. cos u press zap den may double kill or triple kill. very nice.
i tink a very good hero is called zeus. cos u press zap den may double kill or triple kill. very nice.
Monday, August 13, 2007
irritating. now i hav seen some idiots. they tink capsian sea bigger than mediterranean sea, bigger than pacific ocean. or maybe they tink the bukit timah hill bigger than himalayas or andes. they idiot. they tink they big. erps. so shallow. more shallow than water in a stream. mayb u wan tell me get real. erps. get real for wad. and as far as i noe many idiots have been looking at the blog and tryna imitate. come. imitate. try to copy. i cunt rmb the pokemon got this skill can imitate one. 4got wad it's called. u tink i care. shallow. get deeper and tok to me. dunno whether u all liddat is to get the attention of 246 or wad. i prefer multiple of 2. cum and find me boys. i dunno wad u will do. but do i care?
anw nid a volunteer to tuition hokkien.
anw nid a volunteer to tuition hokkien.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
hehe. after so long of tinking i've finally found. u and i collide. and i dunno y after a long time i've found dat some ppl enjoy having nitro. boosters or wadeva on their car. they feel very shiok after they get boost. e.g. the young kid enjoys boosting the fat kid, as the young kid too hum to do anyting to anyone, but uses the fat kid as his mask to feel shiok. the fat kid at the same time feels shiok. but the prob is the fat kid can turn around at the young kid anytime. cos he's boosted for so long lioa. and i dunno. some ppl dun hav a sense of guilt. well e.g. the jayzee. u c when he gets boosted he feels very shiok in the wrong way. but he dun care. and after insulting he dun tink it is insulting. weird stuff. but this one actually still ok.
the worst one is dat some idiots very bad. wan take down these literature here nvm. cos my literature nv direct at ppl. so we dunno wad the hell i tokin. and i oso dunno wad the hell i tokin. budden some literature very direct. i dunno any lit book hav direct one, e.g. the wad animal farm. i heard very sexy. but some places u c the literature very direct one. they very clever. i tink maybe they tryna train their writing so that nxt time ur job is a writer. clever kid.
the worst one is dat some idiots very bad. wan take down these literature here nvm. cos my literature nv direct at ppl. so we dunno wad the hell i tokin. and i oso dunno wad the hell i tokin. budden some literature very direct. i dunno any lit book hav direct one, e.g. the wad animal farm. i heard very sexy. but some places u c the literature very direct one. they very clever. i tink maybe they tryna train their writing so that nxt time ur job is a writer. clever kid.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
wa swee man. i found a very sexy url. hu wan can find me. and if u see dun puke. that's wad u will tio if u fool around. erps. siao man. i tyco see also can see this type of things sia. i cunt believe it. juz by changing the url around i can find out something so nice. and actually i wonder y alot of ppl hav alot of time to do post this post dat. erps. well. noobs lyk some ppl enjoy reading other ppl blog and start talking in a com language dat we dunno. as kala enjoy putting it we lose comm skills. lyk those noobs. we only hav com skill no comm skills. too bad. wad can i do? nothing. issit my fault? no. but well those fkin cb prepare for trouble if u gonna fool around again. dat creator isnt stupid.
Friday, August 03, 2007
well. i dunno y some ppl enjoy sitting together, tokin abt ppl hu plp wif teachers. erps. if u liddat y dun u sit in a very nice position to plp wif teachers? no brains arh. or issit no balls. my good fren normal tension giv u some pressure to admit u tcs. but u sae i where got tcs. erps. stupid means stupid. mayb some ppl dun understand cheem stuff. den too bad. jegnot. juggernot. wadeva. erps. cheem stuf. jegnot. this ppl muz not be tolerated. they tink use internet very useful. very influential. going around tryna accuse ppl of plp. well y dun u plp and ppl post abt u tryna plp when u din? erps. lame. use ur brain. anw ur pics are up somewhere
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
some ppl in hci tink they are bigger than the face so they tink they big. fkin cb eh. ai gan wa lan jiao arh? no cum for u. only for ladies. fkin cb. noob shit man. all those ppl. i cunt believe their mothers hav cunt for their sons doing such lame shit. well. wad can i sae? some idiots may end up as ur girl fren and u fk her up and hav children wif her. noobs. some ppl are sexist. some ppl are racist. some ppl prefer to tink they are god. everyting oso cannot criticise him except only he can criticise others. noobs. name no nid la. name for noobs. clever kid will noe wad i tokin. if u noe i tokin bout u den too bad. if i tokin abt some1 else but u tink it's u too bad. it's nt my fault isn't it?? noobs eh. i din noe there were cyber fuckers in hci. they most likely cybersex wif ppl they flame. use their pics as material. interesting. very interesting.
well. i heard alot of ppl sae they tink the blog nt used for having sex. so too bad. today i tok theory. how ppl are blinded. u c arh. ppl are blinded in 2 ways: 1 is love 1 is hatred.
let's tok abt the love part 1st. love can change the person mind sia. and i'm nt jokin. u c if u love the fellow den u will tink that this fellow is damn good. this fellow is best etc. and if u dun believe u go and c. 1 to 1 confirm hav one. den accidental love triangle even more interesting. u c the fellow 2 ppl lyk 1 fellow den let's sae one of this 2 ppl is accidentally in love wif the 1 fellow. den he will try to desperately sae sorry to the other 1 of the 2 ppl. cheem eh. theory all liddat. lyk the einstein dat dunno wad relativity go back in time wad hell.
2nd way how ppl are blinded is hatred. love and hatred eh. conflicting. y hatred? cos if the guy buay song he will nt see the good side of the others and will tink dat every1 is bad. everyting he see is bad. so hatred can blind u of the good side. e.g. if u buay song this fellow tryna chase ur woman u will tink that dat fellow is an idiot and u will c dat everyting he do is bad. also e.g. this idiot screws up every single ting u tryna do mayb lyk a team work or sth u will also start tokin abt his bad stuff.
cheem eh. theory all liddat no choice. but some1 pls teach me some simple hokkien.
let's tok abt the love part 1st. love can change the person mind sia. and i'm nt jokin. u c if u love the fellow den u will tink that this fellow is damn good. this fellow is best etc. and if u dun believe u go and c. 1 to 1 confirm hav one. den accidental love triangle even more interesting. u c the fellow 2 ppl lyk 1 fellow den let's sae one of this 2 ppl is accidentally in love wif the 1 fellow. den he will try to desperately sae sorry to the other 1 of the 2 ppl. cheem eh. theory all liddat. lyk the einstein dat dunno wad relativity go back in time wad hell.
2nd way how ppl are blinded is hatred. love and hatred eh. conflicting. y hatred? cos if the guy buay song he will nt see the good side of the others and will tink dat every1 is bad. everyting he see is bad. so hatred can blind u of the good side. e.g. if u buay song this fellow tryna chase ur woman u will tink that dat fellow is an idiot and u will c dat everyting he do is bad. also e.g. this idiot screws up every single ting u tryna do mayb lyk a team work or sth u will also start tokin abt his bad stuff.
cheem eh. theory all liddat no choice. but some1 pls teach me some simple hokkien.
Monday, July 30, 2007
fkin cb. wad u wan. fkin hell. waste 3 hr of my fkin time. u tink wad. u no nid to sex arh. i nid to sex one leh. fkin hell. idiot. so enthu rite. fkin hell. kik me out la. i mite as well not be included. fkin idiots. u tink very fun arh. wasting time there. ur time free one la my time not. and tmr i fkin ponning fyi. fkin hell. u tink wad. i enjoy u arh. idiot. get some1 to replace me la. idiot. u tink very fun arh. get some1 1000000times more enthu than me to go perform la. idiot. very fun rite. idiot. i hav no commitment. fine???? idiot. come. u get some1 to replace me. i resigning. fkin hell. and i'm nt jokin abt i pon tmr. i am gonna appear for mayb half hr and gone. fkin hell. and i nt bringing any part of uniform. idiot. very fun rite?? u no nid break i nid leh. or issit u nid but u so hero u sacrifice urself. fkin hell. u diy la. idiot.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
well. up at 2.30am having sex eh. erps. idiotic. doin dat fkin smrp web report. thx to someone hu gets horny lookin at chest hair, he wants the web report by friday. erps. lame shit. expect me to pia until 2.30am to do dat?? if nt for a side tcs i tink i wldn't b awake... well i dunno
anw i tink some ppl are addicted to success. or are desperate for success. aiya i only joking joking only. as if. wad joking joking. idiotic. if i joking my cock will lift up 2 ppl sittin on a table. some ppl are desperate to get some recognition. some fame. want to be in front for everyting. in a debate i wan to b the 1st speaker. in ncc i wan to get best cadet, i wan to get usm. blah blah. in proj comp want get 1st. erps. wad the hell man. if u tink liddat i tink u rather cut off ur cock or put a cock over ur vagina if u girl.
anw i tink some ppl are addicted to success. or are desperate for success. aiya i only joking joking only. as if. wad joking joking. idiotic. if i joking my cock will lift up 2 ppl sittin on a table. some ppl are desperate to get some recognition. some fame. want to be in front for everyting. in a debate i wan to b the 1st speaker. in ncc i wan to get best cadet, i wan to get usm. blah blah. in proj comp want get 1st. erps. wad the hell man. if u tink liddat i tink u rather cut off ur cock or put a cock over ur vagina if u girl.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
idiotic. dota is a drug. very bad. u start playing u cunt stop. idiotic. i tmr hav test and 2day i went to play lan awhile. AWHILE. at 1st wanna play around 1hr. den end up playing lyk 2hrs. den go makan found out dat it was fkin 4pm liao. idiotic. and i tmr test and now pia study everyting. idiotic. lyk woman. woman actually worse than dota. she will come into ur mind even more frequent than any com game. woman the worst. idiotic. the worst drug. worse than heroin. and now the fkin bio dunno wad will come out. and now study oso scared. later study wrong. sian
clever kid sia. sian. i got work to do sia.
clever kid sia. sian. i got work to do sia.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
fk eat shit la. fkin guerilla cheese. idiot. u tink wad. follow wad. follow u arh. guerilla cheese. idiot. u follow me den hav la. cb. u tink by following ur great plans we can succeed arh. and u sae the butt sux. idiot u tink hu i am. i am deaf and blind arh. cb. u tink the butt din succedd issit??? fker. so u tink butt get respect and we listen to him u unhappy. so u fkin want dat fkin award arh. u tink butt din focus on part spirit. u fker. i dun tink so. we hav part spirit cos we noe he butt. we hav common topic cos of him. he promote part spirit indirectly. but u tink o i muz sae o i fkin want part spirit. fkin hell. fkin guerilla cheese. idiot.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
interesting. actually i duno y some ppl hav alot of time to do mass blogging. lyk 1 day blog 2 times. erps. lyk they nothing to do liddat. haha. time is impt factor. lyk let's sae u play dota. u starting hav sex for 3 min. den u c other ppl lvl 4 or 5. den u sae shit. den leave. dat's y time impt.
and some ppl lyk nt to obey big guys. and some big guys oso v noob. however some small guys is actually cannot become big guy dat's y become small guy. sian. and maybe some big guys enjoy kiking their controlled ppl around, and playing toto. dat's actually nvm. budden some of the big guys come and jonj curl wif me such dat i dunno whether they tryna jonj curl or tryna b straight. idiots. sian. play wif me eh. lyk very fun liddat. sian.
and some ppl lyk nt to obey big guys. and some big guys oso v noob. however some small guys is actually cannot become big guy dat's y become small guy. sian. and maybe some big guys enjoy kiking their controlled ppl around, and playing toto. dat's actually nvm. budden some of the big guys come and jonj curl wif me such dat i dunno whether they tryna jonj curl or tryna b straight. idiots. sian. play wif me eh. lyk very fun liddat. sian.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Fast and Furious Hokkien Drift
another one. this one best. hokkien drift. very shiok if u understand hokkien. cos i dun understand.
wa. around 2 weeks nv post. busy sia. alot of training. saturday can understand. 1 day. friday nvm. normal training. budden wif the saturday trainin is lyk we wan to go wednesday.
anw play soccer good training. ytd went to play. tired sia. stand there difficult. and then it's not easy to b a keeper man. nt easy to catch a ball. esp when flying at high speed.
and then i got new theory of our bro siao. if u all gonna turn siao u all go die la. idiots. listen to bro siao 4 wad. he rly siao one wad. it reflects all. everyting u do muz ncc. dun care about ur fren. dun care about their welfare. wan them to only noe o baby ncc is god. u muz do everyting for hci ncc. aiyo. use brain la. u wan cadet make fren and happy or u wan cadet to do everyting for ncc hci one? erps. hcincc muz win buc sia. erps. lyk gold unit nt good enuff. everytime i look at bro siao face i will rmb he nt happy me cos he tink i wan and i can take over the company. erps. no thinking sia. c'mon leh. if i could i would hav been usm eh? bro siao.
anw play soccer good training. ytd went to play. tired sia. stand there difficult. and then it's not easy to b a keeper man. nt easy to catch a ball. esp when flying at high speed.
and then i got new theory of our bro siao. if u all gonna turn siao u all go die la. idiots. listen to bro siao 4 wad. he rly siao one wad. it reflects all. everyting u do muz ncc. dun care about ur fren. dun care about their welfare. wan them to only noe o baby ncc is god. u muz do everyting for hci ncc. aiyo. use brain la. u wan cadet make fren and happy or u wan cadet to do everyting for ncc hci one? erps. hcincc muz win buc sia. erps. lyk gold unit nt good enuff. everytime i look at bro siao face i will rmb he nt happy me cos he tink i wan and i can take over the company. erps. no thinking sia. c'mon leh. if i could i would hav been usm eh? bro siao.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
competitiveness dangerous sia. despo oso dangerous sia. now i noe some ppl despo despise others. no.1 example is racist. cok sia u not in europe u in singapore. u racist nvm. but u look too racist. oso let's sae u not racist but u despo tell racist joke. idiot. make u look lyk one. cos some people go hot chick and tink they hot chick no nid to respect malay and indian joker. too bad. and they start to become idiot oso.
2nd spec course can see alot of comp and despo. u c those meng ppl there. those meng acting. u look our dear ppl. we sae other ppl very wayang. but let's sae it's u up there lyk as if u will nt acting. lame shit. and then after dat u complain nv get award aww. i get hot chick award but u dun get u unhappy. anw the plaque no name so u take. nvm. i giv u my iron ball award for freee. hu wan?
anw got some even more clever. tink get award v big. erps. use brain. ur brain big den can. award very small. smaller than ur brain. dat's fyi la. anw today the zion down i dunno y so die lo.
2nd spec course can see alot of comp and despo. u c those meng ppl there. those meng acting. u look our dear ppl. we sae other ppl very wayang. but let's sae it's u up there lyk as if u will nt acting. lame shit. and then after dat u complain nv get award aww. i get hot chick award but u dun get u unhappy. anw the plaque no name so u take. nvm. i giv u my iron ball award for freee. hu wan?
anw got some even more clever. tink get award v big. erps. use brain. ur brain big den can. award very small. smaller than ur brain. dat's fyi la. anw today the zion down i dunno y so die lo.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
chit money la. idiot. sian. wan tell me the ting den dun tell me. chit money. shit some money for me man. anw the under-21 euro championship look quite shoik. the nigel reo-coker miss penalty. suay man. he miss penalty den draw 1-1. haiz. i din noe england liddat. the youngster look quite pro. the gabriel agbonlanhor, nigel reo-coker, david bently, and others dat i dunno. o ya anton ferdinand. all quite good. they look better than wad wayne rooney? erps
Monday, June 11, 2007
idiot sia. u nt happy juz sae la. idiot. sae until u lyk wad liddat. arh. dun dare sae to me i suck arh. i suck u juz sae la. idiot. loser. tell other ppl tell me. some more tell ppl indirectly until ppl oso tell me indirectly. kp. shitty idiot. anw i din noe la. i may b workin wif idiots. kp. and i mean idiots. idiotic.
anw this idiot here gonna sae sth. i been promoted to many tings. mouth of eczemya, rod of justice, dick of destiny, eye of skadi.
anw this idiot here gonna sae sth. i been promoted to many tings. mouth of eczemya, rod of justice, dick of destiny, eye of skadi.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
idiot sia. play soccer noob den sae. all those ppl. lyk beng liddat. they tink act beng is the only way of life. noobs. play soccer tio malay young kids sae fuck they buay song. noob. all bigger size than the malay den they still scared. erps. noobs
anw the mouth is there. i would sae. my mouth v big one. unfortunately nt to fit my red hot at 1000 degree celsius dick. my mouth pro wad. can use for eating.
anw the mouth is there. i would sae. my mouth v big one. unfortunately nt to fit my red hot at 1000 degree celsius dick. my mouth pro wad. can use for eating.
Monday, June 04, 2007
use brains sia. idiotic. now fkin hell y hav training. mite as well let me take over den pon everyting. woo. shiok. anw now gonna go thru wad heong trainin so dat to make up for wad lost time dunno wad.
anw nowadays nt bad. i quite lucky. i use the dunno wad gondar 14 kill juz now. and meng def base. cos the host complacent. he tink he spoil 2 side rax can settle me. i 2 battlefury satanic and treads and sny settle all the creeps. and then pit lord help def oso. den in the end 5v5 become 2v4. den host tink he winning cos he spoil rax. but he wrong. dat noob. den after awhile i no prob kill any of him. den host leave. noob. cannot kill gondar den leave. erps.
anw nowadays nt bad. i quite lucky. i use the dunno wad gondar 14 kill juz now. and meng def base. cos the host complacent. he tink he spoil 2 side rax can settle me. i 2 battlefury satanic and treads and sny settle all the creeps. and then pit lord help def oso. den in the end 5v5 become 2v4. den host tink he winning cos he spoil rax. but he wrong. dat noob. den after awhile i no prob kill any of him. den host leave. noob. cannot kill gondar den leave. erps.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
hmm. nv blog 4 so long. den look around other blog. and i found out. those competitive idiots. got prob sia. arses. look msg den wa. i higher than u. u higher than me. u noob. wad cok la. u mug den u go sae u higher den others. ZB idiots. and then i dunno y got some ppl. tok cok, play game. but in the end so pro. confirm got some fk shit muggin secretly. expected. and our dear chairman clever kid. put every result on blog. clever kid. got problem sia. noob sae noob. dun go put and compare. got prob. sit on ur chair den sit la. walk around so much
anw. juz now go play soccer. siao. rikishi pro sia. his left leg still as pro. i still as noob. he kik pro sia. arse clown. pro=pro. dun go sae o man i proer than u. esp j. ppl obviously more pro den muz admit until u xiu1 lian4 till that standard.
and den fkin shit got so many trainin. and then muz pia proj oso. june holiday no holiday la. fk up.
anw. juz now go play soccer. siao. rikishi pro sia. his left leg still as pro. i still as noob. he kik pro sia. arse clown. pro=pro. dun go sae o man i proer than u. esp j. ppl obviously more pro den muz admit until u xiu1 lian4 till that standard.
and den fkin shit got so many trainin. and then muz pia proj oso. june holiday no holiday la. fk up.
Monday, May 21, 2007
kp sia. idiotic. got problem sia. saturday play game play lan. nvm. still ok la. but den ytd com tio kope, nvm. but wake up 2day at 4am got problem. tired sia. and den lost thumbdrive. nice man. i wonder how i makin the presentation. use hp? erps. dat's the most creative idea i can tink of now. idiotic. den later use the com den teocm sae boy u cunt use com. fk la.
anw i tot man utd vs chelsea was lame shit. cos i heard they were playin lyk sitting on toilet bowl shitting. i heard wad they play passing, den dunno y tyco can drogba score. some more 116th minute. lame. penalty den penalty lo. waste time.
anw i tot man utd vs chelsea was lame shit. cos i heard they were playin lyk sitting on toilet bowl shitting. i heard wad they play passing, den dunno y tyco can drogba score. some more 116th minute. lame. penalty den penalty lo. waste time.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
sian. wad i typed juz now all screw diao. now muz retype. erps. sian. back frm that obs. rly life wasted though learn more tings. discover more tings. sian. it's lyk 5 day 4 nite no com no woman no proper communication here and there. no technology. nt easy sia
esp no woman to look at. imagine 120hrs lookin at guys. if mix of sch go nt bad la. gt woman can flirt during the whole ting. i mean lyk ophir. dat time ophir got woman got man. liddat den fun wad. and some more is wif neighbourhood sch ppl. they more cock. i dun lyk the whole day wif some bunch of very educated ppl in the camp. though mostly we know each other. the no woman was worst la. the whole day there was spent wif guys. den the nxt day guys. no ladies. lyk normal sch day.
sian. hopefully blogger dun cock up again.
esp no woman to look at. imagine 120hrs lookin at guys. if mix of sch go nt bad la. gt woman can flirt during the whole ting. i mean lyk ophir. dat time ophir got woman got man. liddat den fun wad. and some more is wif neighbourhood sch ppl. they more cock. i dun lyk the whole day wif some bunch of very educated ppl in the camp. though mostly we know each other. the no woman was worst la. the whole day there was spent wif guys. den the nxt day guys. no ladies. lyk normal sch day.
sian. hopefully blogger dun cock up again.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
idiot. reformat com. now everyting oso dun hav. shockwave player. macromedia. no flash. no show to watch. no youtube. no soccer. no cheap stuff. idiot. even hamachi oso buay song me. idiot. sian
and i tink i'm losin it. i'm turnin into an arse. cheebong. can't stand it liao. i only appear v nice to u all. fuktard. sian. i'm goin siao liao la. i tink wad i nid now is juz 100l of soft drinks, cold water, etc. sian. fkin shit.
and i tink i'm losin it. i'm turnin into an arse. cheebong. can't stand it liao. i only appear v nice to u all. fuktard. sian. i'm goin siao liao la. i tink wad i nid now is juz 100l of soft drinks, cold water, etc. sian. fkin shit.
Monday, April 23, 2007
c'mon leh. use brains la. idiot. liddat oso wan the real birth cert. idiot. dat means tmr i nid go to ica again. haiz. waste time sia. juz cos i din bring real birth cert. haiz. but i din noe my hair looked damn nice in the mirror. haha. suddenly notice dat my hair is some ass of a hair. and it's natural. unlike some ppl. stand up unnaturally. those nubz. nid wax juz to make their hair stand. stupid
anw the physics test sia. nt confident. i tink a1 impossible la. so many mistakes liao. some dunno here, dunno there. idiot. the most mayb 75%. if above 75% it's a miracle. i expectin around 60%. and dat stupid bonus qn. i tink i got wrong. idiotic. den most only can get 1 mark. waste time. shldnt hav wrote big lo. later i get less than the 60% nid minus another 2 marks. blady hell.
anw the physics test sia. nt confident. i tink a1 impossible la. so many mistakes liao. some dunno here, dunno there. idiot. the most mayb 75%. if above 75% it's a miracle. i expectin around 60%. and dat stupid bonus qn. i tink i got wrong. idiotic. den most only can get 1 mark. waste time. shldnt hav wrote big lo. later i get less than the 60% nid minus another 2 marks. blady hell.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
u suck the king cobra's lethargic giant assholes combined with the yak's assholes. qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm. har's cipher. clever kid. gerald har is an ass hole. he wants to suck the king cobra's assholes. when they dun hav any assholes. and the yak asshole looks to gigantic to be sucked. o man. he is dam dumb la. no choice for stupid ppl lyk gerald har. aww. he's fkin stupid la. wad can u do to him? send him to imh oso no use. haiz.
eat cock. suck cock. fuck cock. slurp cock. eat cock. suck cock. fuck cock. slurp cock. erps. studyin physics make me lag.
eat cock. suck cock. fuck cock. slurp cock. eat cock. suck cock. fuck cock. slurp cock. erps. studyin physics make me lag.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
shitty. nowadays i abit nt tired. wan play oso cannot play. wan play muz sacrifice slp time. idiot. one for one exch sia. lyk the game. u noe risk. u throw the dice one. conquer territory dat one. due to time constraints nowadays lyk 3 years nv play liao. haiz. i feel lyk playin leh. but dunno hu to play wif. haiz. nice game sia.... only ting lyk dam long nv play
anw tests comin sia. can die. idiot. lucky i nt lyk mass test one. is lyk at least still hav mercy. around 1 day 1 test. so still ok. STILL OK only. haiz
anw tests comin sia. can die. idiot. lucky i nt lyk mass test one. is lyk at least still hav mercy. around 1 day 1 test. so still ok. STILL OK only. haiz
Sunday, April 15, 2007
hmm. use ur brains la. soon i gonna set up another blog. tokin abt nonsense. less flaming. dat's gonna b a blog lyk dat wad mr brown. nt to criticise gahmen. to criticise ppl. usin no fk, no suck, no cock, no dick no shit, no wad curse wadeva. at least less cursin la. lyk this blog. those idiots. tryna karchiao me here and there. kar chiao sia. y leh. nv see b4 the MELlow side of me? erps. nt happy arh. idiot. those ppl nv see me nt happy b4 one. idiot. blady hell. u tink v fun? everyday come karchiao. esp dat KAR yi. dat clever kid. i tell u he may mug finish bio. so? he nv use brains and mug. lemme tell u how i mug. special method.
take bio workbook. dun do anyting yet. leave the nutrition dat part blank. tmr do. juz b4 the test u do the qn. den oso study 2day. read thru everyting. refer to txtbk. dun b stupid. lyk dat KAR yi. he can finish rmb everyting inside the notes. so wad? u stupid dunno how study. or nv use brain study. go die la. nub. study nv plan strategy go die la.
take bio workbook. dun do anyting yet. leave the nutrition dat part blank. tmr do. juz b4 the test u do the qn. den oso study 2day. read thru everyting. refer to txtbk. dun b stupid. lyk dat KAR yi. he can finish rmb everyting inside the notes. so wad? u stupid dunno how study. or nv use brain study. go die la. nub. study nv plan strategy go die la.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
wa alittle bit nt confusin. as i was typin there was another person taggin on my blog. the pot calling kettle black sia. dunno hu the hell issit la. anw it's ok. some helper frm outer space? nt my fault la. anw young ppl nowadays dunno the power of technology. and then they use technology. and then nv use brains. sad case man. i mean sad case young ppl. nt only man.
cunt believe it sia. the charyl fox lyk nv appear on screen liao leh. i dunno. long time nv c cna. unfortunately nowadays i heard charyl fox in jail. cos she eat drug or wad la. anw i dun rly care ba... i mean she news reporter eat drug. erps. dunno. suddenly go mad? sick of tokin abt drug offenders in news? aiya wadeva la. as a matter of fact nowadays the ppl gettin weird. mood swing. 1 day sae o baby u're sexy. nxt day they sae eh wtf ur prob la. den mayb nxt day come shut the mouth, walk past u wif sian look. some ppl are even more joker. 1 day liddat. nxt day oso liddat. den another day still same ting. dun get bored of the same ting sia. dunno y. stupid? erps
den still hav ppl even worse. 1 day sae buy sexy ting 4 me. nxt day go another person eh boy buy me sexy ting. den another day come back to the 1st guy sae walao another person buy sexy tings for me i wan same ting frm u. erps... confusin sia. the world alot of guai lan ppl. unfortunately i learnt frm previous exp cannot so public. or else ppl will die. kip posts v general. den ppl will come ask me hu u tokin. i sae dowan tell. den they shuddup. or i tell. then they o. u noe.
cunt believe it sia. the charyl fox lyk nv appear on screen liao leh. i dunno. long time nv c cna. unfortunately nowadays i heard charyl fox in jail. cos she eat drug or wad la. anw i dun rly care ba... i mean she news reporter eat drug. erps. dunno. suddenly go mad? sick of tokin abt drug offenders in news? aiya wadeva la. as a matter of fact nowadays the ppl gettin weird. mood swing. 1 day sae o baby u're sexy. nxt day they sae eh wtf ur prob la. den mayb nxt day come shut the mouth, walk past u wif sian look. some ppl are even more joker. 1 day liddat. nxt day oso liddat. den another day still same ting. dun get bored of the same ting sia. dunno y. stupid? erps
den still hav ppl even worse. 1 day sae buy sexy ting 4 me. nxt day go another person eh boy buy me sexy ting. den another day come back to the 1st guy sae walao another person buy sexy tings for me i wan same ting frm u. erps... confusin sia. the world alot of guai lan ppl. unfortunately i learnt frm previous exp cannot so public. or else ppl will die. kip posts v general. den ppl will come ask me hu u tokin. i sae dowan tell. den they shuddup. or i tell. then they o. u noe.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
another water tight week. esp ytd. woke up at 3am juz to settle dat smrp proposal. and almost slept at maths. unfortunately i gd student. try to kip awake. den dat teacher ask me do problem sum on inequality and i was lyk... how u do inequality wif a primary sch prob???
anw the new songs how arh? nt bad eh. high. HIGH sch musical. haha. hmm. i lyk the we're all in this together. cos it's can dance one. haha. and barbie girl and tarzan. pro man. i tink if u go listen u will luff lyk a mad dog. and then anw (u noe the news reporter charyl fox?) hu said soccernet dun hav an impact in my life?? lame shit. where does all my pics come frm? all the soccer pics. where they come frm? and most likely u sae u tell me where i play fantasy football at? erps.
despo make me link den sae. dun use such lame shit methods to get ur blog linked here. and girl go straight to the pt. erps. dun waste time. i hate decoding caeser's cipher.
anw the new songs how arh? nt bad eh. high. HIGH sch musical. haha. hmm. i lyk the we're all in this together. cos it's can dance one. haha. and barbie girl and tarzan. pro man. i tink if u go listen u will luff lyk a mad dog. and then anw (u noe the news reporter charyl fox?) hu said soccernet dun hav an impact in my life?? lame shit. where does all my pics come frm? all the soccer pics. where they come frm? and most likely u sae u tell me where i play fantasy football at? erps.
despo make me link den sae. dun use such lame shit methods to get ur blog linked here. and girl go straight to the pt. erps. dun waste time. i hate decoding caeser's cipher.
Monday, April 09, 2007
hehe. new playlist. some songs dedicated to my joker side of myself. but some songs dedicated to the true self of me. haha. anw i found dat doin all those sterile work take up alot of time sia. sianded. later i get sterilized sia. nothing liao. shoot blank round. no more live firing one. only can practice fire. anw now work gettin hectic sia. listen to some lame song u will luff lyk some mad dog. nt jokin. like barbie girl. tarzan and jane. woohoo. nice song. also u can listen to inspirational la. lyk the mariah carey and celine dion. mayday oso nt bad in inspirational song.
anw benjamin franklin is my bro proj sia.... wad a coincidence. i buay song ben franklin den he suddenly do proj on him. guai lan.
anw benjamin franklin is my bro proj sia.... wad a coincidence. i buay song ben franklin den he suddenly do proj on him. guai lan.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
tink it's a week since i posted. haiz. alot of complications this wk sia. gettin more and more messy. sian. so how? some ppl pressure me to noe hu this woman la, dat woman la wadeva. sian. and then after dat they sae some nonsense aiyo share secret. erps. later tio spread until the ownage guy. sian. i understand la, benjamin franklin owns all la. president cum inventor cum dunno wad. later he noe he go invent some nonsense steal the woman then how? sian
worrying sia. later dat ben franklin will invent dunno wad then use his political professionalism go steal ladies. haiz. he has been doin this for dunno how long sia. shitty. benjamin franklin. i noe la, he made independence, democracy dunno wad.
anw hav i rly toned down? erps
worrying sia. later dat ben franklin will invent dunno wad then use his political professionalism go steal ladies. haiz. he has been doin this for dunno how long sia. shitty. benjamin franklin. i noe la, he made independence, democracy dunno wad.
anw hav i rly toned down? erps
Monday, April 02, 2007
hmm. the thesis i dunno where i stopped. but anw this wk quite watertight sia. alot of cum sia. thought 2day no hwk muz dunno do this and dat. and now muz hope my bro dun steal the com. sian. ytd play 2day most likely he kp and i cannot play liao. sian.
anw juz now was tryin out the lion sia. nt bad. hex 4s, and then the impale oso 2s. if buy another hex den add 3.5s of disbales. by den shld b able to fk him up. haha. juz now around lv12 killed dat arse of sand king. dat sk ting he big. come to me wack 1 creeps juz to get caustic me. but sorry boy. i hex (4s), zam 3 times, he become normal, impale den zam 3 times den dildo him. (finger, ya noe, aka dildo la, portable dildo la). after dildo he die. aww. sad case.
anw juz now was tryin out the lion sia. nt bad. hex 4s, and then the impale oso 2s. if buy another hex den add 3.5s of disbales. by den shld b able to fk him up. haha. juz now around lv12 killed dat arse of sand king. dat sk ting he big. come to me wack 1 creeps juz to get caustic me. but sorry boy. i hex (4s), zam 3 times, he become normal, impale den zam 3 times den dildo him. (finger, ya noe, aka dildo la, portable dildo la). after dildo he die. aww. sad case.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
come boy. eat my cum. arse. u tink v fun arh. i noe u are a perfect square la. u tink by doin this we very happy meh. anw i am tamil tiger leh. i shoot the sri lanka gahmen leh. eat my shit sia.
eat shit. as tings get to pile up ppl turn into cocks. blur cocks. nt penis dat cock. but blurr cocks dat one. all go cuckoo liao. arse sia. i tink it is nt good to live in reality, and it's oso good to live in reality. it is good to live in idealistic world, while it is nt good oso..
anw i continue the thesis another time. cos now i exhausted. cannot crap...
eat shit. as tings get to pile up ppl turn into cocks. blur cocks. nt penis dat cock. but blurr cocks dat one. all go cuckoo liao. arse sia. i tink it is nt good to live in reality, and it's oso good to live in reality. it is good to live in idealistic world, while it is nt good oso..
anw i continue the thesis another time. cos now i exhausted. cannot crap...
come boy. eat my cum. arse. u tink v fun arh. i noe u are a perfect square la. u tink by doin this we very happy meh. anw i am tamil tiger leh. i shoot the sri lanka gahmen leh. eat my shit sia.
eat shit. as tings get to pile up ppl turn into cocks. blur cocks. nt penis dat cock. but blurr cocks dat one. all go cuckoo liao. arse sia. i tink it is nt good to live in reality, and it's oso good to live in reality. it is good to live in idealistic world, while it is nt good oso..
anw i continue the thesis another time. cos now i exhausted. cannot crap...
eat shit. as tings get to pile up ppl turn into cocks. blur cocks. nt penis dat cock. but blurr cocks dat one. all go cuckoo liao. arse sia. i tink it is nt good to live in reality, and it's oso good to live in reality. it is good to live in idealistic world, while it is nt good oso..
anw i continue the thesis another time. cos now i exhausted. cannot crap...
Sunday, March 25, 2007
eat shit noob shit fk shit la. idiot. he tink wad. use threat i scared arh. ok lo. u dowan me do some stuff i dun do lo. u tink we alot of time? mayb those desperates or those overenthus will do it. and rmb until every single detail. u tink wad. i only noe dat ting nothing for pros one. is for noobs one. i mite as well dun do and let those nv do b4 one do.
if u understand wad i tokin good for u. cos if u dun understand it's nt for u to noe then. or u may wan ask me personally. anw this few days i lack of slp and so i easily buay song. so u beware. wan ask me u better beware
any philanderer/philanthropist wld help me it wld b good. cos i nid to regain my er. dunno wad. asap.
if u understand wad i tokin good for u. cos if u dun understand it's nt for u to noe then. or u may wan ask me personally. anw this few days i lack of slp and so i easily buay song. so u beware. wan ask me u better beware
any philanderer/philanthropist wld help me it wld b good. cos i nid to regain my er. dunno wad. asap.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
eh dat fucker. come out. dunno wad hcincc.gerald blah blah u better come out. asshole. ass clown. u tink wad. use my name big arh. and apparently u already gave urself away. in the email already put a smiley. fucker. u better come to me and say sorry. idiot. come la. u tink wad. my name very big issit? famous arh? i wad. saddam arh. use my name u god arh. idiot. y leh. tell me ur email address. come. i find u. scared arh. fucker.
ass clown. and hs and co. u all better not think it's me. fuckers. u tink wad. i got use smiley meh. ass hole. blady arses. u tink wad. everyting got the word gerald is me arh. ok lo, den dat schalke 04 striker is me rite? blady hell. u tell me when did u see me usin smiley naturally? i dun. idiot. only if i di siao den i use. geddit. and u tell me. u tink i so loser arh. flirt nid another account. i flirt i use my normal account. fucker. u tink wad. i so loser arh. unlike dat blady loser from pea pod. flirt until so despo. fkin hell. nvm.
dat blady ass u better admit hu u are. fker.
ass clown. and hs and co. u all better not think it's me. fuckers. u tink wad. i got use smiley meh. ass hole. blady arses. u tink wad. everyting got the word gerald is me arh. ok lo, den dat schalke 04 striker is me rite? blady hell. u tell me when did u see me usin smiley naturally? i dun. idiot. only if i di siao den i use. geddit. and u tell me. u tink i so loser arh. flirt nid another account. i flirt i use my normal account. fucker. u tink wad. i so loser arh. unlike dat blady loser from pea pod. flirt until so despo. fkin hell. nvm.
dat blady ass u better admit hu u are. fker.
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