Saturday, January 25, 2014

so insulting.

if u r uninterested to see from other's perspective, it show sth about u. 

there are some i agree they hav high level of arrogance. but in spite of this, they still help people who disagree with them. 

if today there are people who disagree with u, and he gets into a fatal situation, u telling me u will just continue to whack him right? i definitely hope not. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014


make time for God, God will work through u. how many a time i have watched, so many godly people, once they found a tempting, seemingly harmless yet vain pursuit... they fall away from God.

they turn away. they go for all these temptations instead of serving God.

they start to forget God, they focus on the vain. vain includes spending time with people... while never doing things edifying/glorifying to God together. 

i don't expect people to whole day be coming together to share Christ's goodness. but if when gathered... we never ever talked about God's blessings upon us... God's direction for ourselves... mayb even the grace of God to the unsaved... looks like it is time to think again how much time we are spending there.

a lot like my bowling. i like to think there's no great result. because there is little opportunity about God in bowling. mayb i shld even quit it. i wonder.

testify about God. it's good. Hebrews 4:12-13 - For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

they who are scared or disgusted by God's word... hav things to hide. they dont' want to face God. they prefer he's not there. they see that the world is more beautiful without God. they think a world with God stifles their creativity, their space, their freedom. 

is this life about ourselves? what if i told u... this life is not about humans? this life is about obedience to God.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

pardon the lack of humility, but honestly. let's face it. if i am a church leader, it does not mean i necessarily have much  more biblical and doctrinal knowledge than another church member. u'll never know,  a random church member may be a person equipped with more biblical knowledge than the pastor.

expectations vs reality. HAHA...

Wednesday, January 08, 2014


die la. whole world will bloody laugh at me. let's keep this a secret. i shall only appear until i see some seafood. else... just lie low... lie low... keep quiet...

but like... wan to tell ppl. yet can't sae. machiam i visit prostitute.


Tuesday, January 07, 2014

sometimes i find it funny.

the whole organisation can bow down to a person they deem as either valuable or rare.

instead of someone who is truly capable.

Wednesday, January 01, 2014


everyday. every bloody day. easy to say, hard to do.