Sunday, September 15, 2013

we are conditioned to think that relationships in this world is transactional in nature - u put in sth, u get sth. WRONG. that is not the basis... sometimes u put in ur life, u get nothing. sometimes u put in nothing, u get alot out of it. did u deserve to be born? hell no. yet u're born. do u deserve the love of ur parents? hell no. we did so many things against them. yet they love us. are we obliged to give back everything? actually, hell no. we just need to do wad we can. and that already completes the cycle. if we don't complete this cycle, everything breaks down, and seems transactional. (some are transactional like rational working relations. that one nothing to say.)

tink about it. 我孝顺,是为了还报父母对我的疼爱吗?想一想,这种付出还得清吗?还不清。你还清我拜你。如果血缘关系还得清,我真的佩服你。and honestly, in the strongest of friendships, also cannot count one. the more u wan to count, the more pek cek u get.

and i haven't even touched on the God part, i can alr write like this.

this proves, we love, because God first loved us. true love can only be achieved in such a situation - the giver giving totally, the receiver having received with open arms, and then understand the motive of the giver.

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