Friday, July 10, 2009

i like to copy some portion of a song. it says. they say if u love somebody, u shld set them free. and then, if they dun come back, it's jtb. it's meant to be.

so as i sae, is everyting in our control? sometimes yes, sometimes no. let's hav a lame analogy. i play bowling, i noe how i want the ball to go, but if suddenly i slip on the last step and ball goes out of my hand. then how? well. ball goes haywire. u may tot, for all previous steps u've done the best, but now on last moment. off. then the result is wrong. heh. although u may hav thought, everything is in order, apparently it's not.

so we hav to be ready. when everyting is not in control, as usual, 2 choices. accept outcome, and try to find a remedy. or of course, we can try to force our way into control. depends on situation. it is very weird.

finding a remedy is obviously not easy, but so is forcing ur way into control. so as i like to sae, a balance is good. but if u're forced to take up extermist stands, maybe u shld consult around, consider all factors. i mean, obviously. why am i typing this? heh

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