Tuesday, July 29, 2008

lao die u look quite down with ur big sad eyes and ur big fat frown. the world doesn't have to be so grey. yeah. the world doesn't have to be so grey. sometimes it's time. should not see the world as an oppressive place, then it will b a nicer place.



you will never be happy if u live ur life without trust and in dangling by telling ppl whom u dun trust confidential stuff. dat's why i always sae 睁开你的眼睛看看周围的人, in case u get cheated of ur feelings. 欺骗感情是个很大的罪恶,而且这也是个很容易做的事情。小心。beware of such ppl out to cheat. or s2pid until they duno that they're cheating on u. the key to good frens is by good communication, by establishing a healthy communication with the other person, i believe u shld b good frens. but if there's very superficial talking between u two, might as well not call urself even frens.

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