thinking. is what people lack. looking into things even deeper, from different perspectives. is what people lack oso. unfortunately once again s2pid idiots will sae wad la i look into things so deep as deep as a vagina. dat's right. u only can see as deep as a vagina. when i sae deep i mean marianas trench. peru trench etc. geddit. u tink wad tinking as deep as a vagina will get u somewhere? never. if u bother to look at things from many different ways and think about it, u will get somewhere. but unfortunately the society doesn't giv u time. so well u gotta find time. or else u will stay at that spot. losers.
and anw to those people thinking that normal people are normal. cok people are cock. there's no such thing. if they are really like this something is wrong in their life. e.g. if the cock people inside is really nonsense then their life very good. fun laughter peace and joy. but too bad. if u live a life of this fun and laughter u will never get anywhere. u tink wad every toking about sex is a fun thing? what happens after sex? abortion? u hav money u do it. wad hav u thought? hav u bothered about children? hav u bothered about money? hav u worried about marriage? hav u worried about wad will happen to the girl u had sex with?? wad if she is not during the menopause period? sorry to spoil ur mood those horny asses out there. u gotta consider all these things. as a matter of fact. think about it. usually the most cheerful people in front of every1 may not be the most cheerful inside themselves. and that's the truth. the try to talk nonsense one is usually those fun laughter peace and joy type. well this may be a generalisation. but it somehow works something like this.
and i'm very glad that certain people hav really started thinking. respect to these people. they hav started waking up already. very good. or shld i sae show that they've woken up. cos they dun show it at first, people will tink they haven't. but i'm very proud of these people that they hav started to show something. which is very good. but pls if u hav woken up, and actually it's juz a facade. den i tell u u haven't grown up idiot.
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