Tuesday, August 28, 2012

i've resigned to my fate so much that i rather take all the punishments i can take in the last 3 months of service than to do a proper job. i rather be taking every single weekend duty than to toil hard in the weekday. tink about it, sit down, eat free food, blow free air con, have free tv. wad better punishment is there? it's better than sitting in front of my own working terminal and doing something that no one really give a proper, serious damn.

mutiny. lead a humble, and small mutiny. wad for? why we work hard? did someone recognize me for working hard? or am i being used by the bigger system?

the big scheme of things is beautiful. who doesn't know? i know.

but who is making the big scheme of things beautiful? higher hq never takes an active role. they just expect their subordinates to do it. when subordinates don't, who suffer? fellow subordinates? the people on the ground. can i call the hotlines? i should. i am suffering from nothing. seriously.

how can one suffer from nothing? that is difficult. haha....

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