Thursday, January 19, 2012

quick overview of my downfalls. i don't think it's academics. i don't think it's sports. i don't think it's music. i don't think it's attitude. i don't think there's any great great personality flaw. but, i reckon it's words.

an overview of my downfalls, u can guess wad i'm talking about:

- we are frens
- don't think we can be more than frens
- i won't settle for a friend
- i think it shldn't go on
- u're just not the one
- stop pestering me
- just leave me alone

my best qn. really? really? really?

language. language is but a subset of communication. what i say, may not be what i mean. i say u're a friend, i may mean u're actually a piece of shit. or i can sae u're really shitty, but i'm actually caring about u and giving u advice. when i say it's cold, it may not be the ambient temperature. i may be talking about a person's heart.

rite or not? if words coming out from my mouth is A, i may mean B, and subconsciously my intention is C.

mayb i muz stick religiously to my diode theory. but i do remember that, when the voltage is too high, the current rises disproportionately. and this can cause short circuits. and when the fuse breaks, the only way to do it is to replace with a new fuse. i reckon i have broken the fuse too many times, albeit not due to voltage. it's due to me forcing current by an alternate circuit. haha.

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