Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Those who drink to drown their sorrows should be told that sorrows know how to swim. Men are from earth, women are from earth. Deal with it.

I envy dogs because.. they always try to put their head between some girls legs, and they pet him!

hai. wad more can one do on a stony afternoon other than training one's vision in filtering out the white light from the computer screen and focusing on the important stuff that are black and other colours other than white? hahaha... and also trying to train one's typing speed? some are studying videos, some are studying texts, some are studying how to use the functions of their handphone more efficiently, some are studying the taste of the cigarette, some studying their eyelids...

yup. that seems to be an intellectual way to describe what people do on such an afternoon. at least it's not as bad as getting deployed under the hot sun for training. at least i'm here filtering out white light from the screen and hoping my eyes don't get tired from it in an air-conditioned place. interestingly, i'm wondering hu comes to read this site.

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