father in heaven,
great are you, and you are worthy to be praised... father forgive me. forgive my lack of understanding. forgive my haughtiness. forgive me, for i have been boastful and proud.
my overestimation of my abilities... have been a stumbling block to many. lord, forgive my sins. forgive me of the times that I wanted my way.
lord, let me be guided by your spirit. let me follow you. lord, let your will be done through me, and not my will all the time. lord, let me serve you with a pure heart, with no evil intent, with no boastful intent.
guide my heart, let me speak not of my selfishness, let me speak not from my pride, my need to cover my face.
but let me speak your goodness, let me speak whatever that is edifying, let me speak whatever that is pleasing in your sight, and not what i please.
lord, remind me from your word too. from proverbs 3:5-6 "trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thy own understanding. in all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." not my path be trodden, but lord, guide my path.
bless me, according to your will and not according to my selfish wants. lord, keep my heart from evil, especially evil intents and temptations. continue to humble me Lord, let me see that you are greater, and your will is sovereign over me, over all things of this material world.
in Jesus name i pray to you Lord, amen.
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