Saturday, June 12, 2010

怕死亡? HAHA. some young people do.

some simple insecurities that one can tackle, so that u dun hav to fear it. 1st insecurity: i haven't done enough on earth, i dowan to die. u sure? as a young kid, u rather die now than later. later got more responsibility. as a parent, i won't want to die either. but for now, since i only answerable to my parents, i rather i tio death now than later when i earn money and hav to support my parents and children.

second insecurity is, will people remember me? HAHA. some people meng tink of that. so they decide to put impression into people's minds by desperately making an image for themselves and doing all sort of stunts. HAHA. i laugh at these people. if u die, i will remember u for who u are. den, so u wan me to remember u as a person who enjoy doing stunts and going to socialising and doing nothing good for society, instead of a polite, thoughtful, helpful, well-mannered person who enjoyed peace and calm? maybe la, i can't control too HAHA

all i can sae, for myself, i will prevent accidents that can lead to my death as far as possible. BUT in the unfortunate event, that i'm murdered, kidnapped and tortured and 五马分尸, i am sure of where i'm going and that i will not regret leaving the earth too soon. humji simi? u can always reduce the amount of worries u have if u lead a responsible and guilt-free life. if u live irresponsibly, then ppl in the world will hav to pay back ur wrongdoings.

juz like loanshark find ur family for money after u die (means u haven't paid ur debts), or u leave behind ur family which depends on ur cash (means probably, u hav spent away all their money and now they depend on ur cash. if ur parents spent away all ur cash and u die, then different case)


a sudden and random stroke of inspiration. i'm sure there are alot of flaws. u can pick them up and attack them and practice ur gp aq.

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