ming zai li eh xin, dui gun bo jing ya bo yi, mo nai gun eh xin nai zong si peng peng zi wu li...
jit gu wa ai li you gun ya si gong buay chu zui, wa ji wu diam diam kua go li, you guan buay zai li xin bin.
maybe i shld be feeling something wrong, but at the same time i shldn't be feeling something wrong. everybody makes mistakes, everyone sins, but at the same time everyone is helpful, everyone has a good heart. however, many a time we observe that wrong things like to happen together. if person A has a misunderstanding wif person B, A will not be happy with B. and if B decides to point fingers at A, then their hatred will be exacerbated. and it can go on, e.g. A decides to tell B's friends about this misunderstanding, and everyone starts to hav misconceptions. in the end, it may lead to bad things among everyone.
but this can be easily avoided, if things were to be cleared up by both parties. not easy, but i wld sae it's better than everyone suspecting and getting misconceptions.
but once again, it is not easy to take any action. for one, no two people are fully similar. when values clash, it is hard to resolve. take a look. can the west always impose themselves on the asians? i'm not sure. they can't even control iran. they can't even control china. clash of values. i will hope democracy fail soon, then singapore can stop declaring itself democratic.
i mean take a look at poor singapore. imo, our gov't really has done a good job, and it's values are very chinese/east asian. BUT unfortunately, it has to deny it's values and sae that we're democratic instead of patriachy/autocratic, so as to get money from trade. tink about it, if we sae we're socialistic/communistic, we'll basically lose all trading partners. hahhahaa. truth of life, hard to accept eh? but this is reality lor.
keep it up s'pore govt, although there are the unhappy bunch like me, we'll keep supporting u as u've provided us wif safe environment to be in. as much as our creativity is hindered, it's ok. we're not happy, but we're satisfied u can sae. if s'pore gov't were to allow more creative thinkers instead of conformists, we may become more interesting society, but the thing is many a time thinking out of the box is misunderstood as radicalism, and will be phased out. HAHA.
ok enuff of shit i'm getting incoherent.
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