Monday, July 07, 2008


i mean hav u played before the game cheat? if you played that b4 with me u'll noe me very well. it's a game that can show quite alot of a person's thinking. haha. full of it. i like the game. cos life is very much like the game cheat oso. in this s2pid world, if u dun cheat, u dun survive. i dun mean u cheat in every aspect in life. u dun cheat in love. u dun cheat in frenship. u dun cheat in exams. but u hav to cheat in many cases. e.g. when handling idiots. some idiots must be cheated then they will learn their lesson, cos they cheat too much. just look at football. some ppl like to giv foul tackles, some like to dive. when they are not given dubious yellow and red, they will continue cheating. well a debatable card may not change them much, but at least it will shut their mouth for a moment.

现实生活。听说过吗?老爹在这儿不是要叫你们去街上骗小孩子,老阿婆等等。可是我只想说当心自己。恐怕你已经当上别人的狗儿。哈哈。如果你是这样的话,祝你好运。快点跑掉,让那养你的人渣领悟他确实是人渣。有些人没被教训过是不会认错的,目中无人。哈哈。我喜欢这种目中无人的小朋友。一天他们发现面前其实有纷纷的阻碍,看他们处理的多好。应该是 ok 的啦,只是我希望他们会尽快睁开眼睛,看个清楚。不然,他们就在 auto 毁灭前途。

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