tyco never 3 times. it's the truth. now i see. next time play basketball this shall happen. erps. but nver mind. back to the important part. u c that in life u hav to be a thinking player. and there will be tests to let ppl see whether u're that thinking player. the person hu make things happen. rather than idiots hu sit and wait for miracles to happen. not only 1 miracle. it's thousands of miracles. i wonder how some ppl came into hci oso without a brain. maybe the brain was functioning for 12 years, after that it either turned useless or it turned into a tripod. yes. it's the truth. some ppl the brain thinks. the brain thinks about using the person as a tripod for any sagging places.
but anw before i judge ppl it's important to remind me and every1 else. when u judge ppl, is that guy some1 dat u noe quite well? if not it's not called judging. is giving others ur impression of a certain ass or person or genius. yes. and b4 u judge let's talk about a sad story. u c i fail a subject. den unfortunately tyco never happen 3 times ma. so unfortunately some ppl tink i'm lousy in that area. and i never do anyting. this is called judging already. and the worst is some ppl come and sae i never do anyting regarding this matter. when the bitter, unpalatable truth is that i've put in alot of effort. but unfortunately no results. see the world judges u by results. i do alot for this ting. but the unlucky ting is no results. 成绩. 后果. 这世界真是残忍. 有人华文程度差, 考试测验不及格, 人家就讲你是 ang moh? jiak kantang? 吃马铃薯. 过分. 如果没有看到老爹用心读那几百个成语词语, 你闭嘴. 这种死猪头. 而且还感讲我不以为然. 恶心的态度哦你这种人. 小心一点. 一天我把整个易经念出来, 看你是不是诧愕. 可能现在是情况不妙, 一两年也是这样. 但是如果我放弃一切而终日子研究那个同性恋的易经, 我等着瞧你那张吃惊的脸.
想一想. 你看到的这几行字, 你可能觉得我华文真是够差. 哈哈. 随便你. 由你来猜我的程度是多差的. 但是我也不要一些人读了这个悲剧, 有想帮我台起睾丸的阴谋, 而来无缘无故来教我华文. 如果你这样做, 一旦被我发现, 我保证你粉身碎骨....
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