对,说到良心就令我想起一些事情。请问那些缺乏良心的 councillor, 为什么你们会打算去做 councillor? 对了。我只问那些没良心的。你们需要美美的 CV 是不是?呵呵。真可笑,也真可悲。有了很好的 CV, 你以后可能可以赚比我还多的钱。但是你现在去反省,以后在临死前,你所作的东西对得起自己的良心吗?想一想,尤其在学校学习时追取很美 CV 的过程中,有多少个人在看着你?多少个人讲你没有资格做那时的 councillor, council 主席等等职位。从我们平凡的人的角度来看,你只是一个很会读书而在这过程中鼎睾丸的小朋友。坦白来讲,事实就是这样残酷。得不到每个人的支持,为什么去争取那么大的职位?而且让我直话直说,我也不只在讲 council 的人,我在指每个通过恶心的手段而得到高职位的人。为什么硬硬争取那个职位?得到了,就失去人的信任、尊敬,而只会得到金钱的崇拜。老实说,如果你没有鼎睾丸的念头,那你就抬起头来做人。跟你讲个秘密,如果你是这种人,听我说,老马识途。不听老爹言,吃亏在眼前。你已经咎由自取了,应当早期对症下药,不然。。。哈哈。后果由你来决定。。。
politically/socially/morally incorrect things shall be tolerated. some of those shall not be condoned though tolerated.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
哎. 过了一个很不愉快的星期, 经过了不少. 但是从这星期我能学到一些东西, 领悟些道理. 做人一定要有心理准备. 即使现在过着的生活很愉快, 我们都要有个准备, 因为我们不知道未来会发生的事情. 我们都不是先知, 这很明显. 但是这是真的. 我们不是先知. 随时都会有好事坏事发生, 尤其坏是发生时, 我们一定要有做准备. 而且我也领悟到做人要知道或学到怎样集中精神. 有事发生时, 我们不能失去我们的集中, 否则后果不堪设想. 比如这星期不幸的人就是我. 在两个测验只前, 很不幸的坏事就发生, 测验当时我心不在焉, 幸好这两个测验是科学的, 不然成绩一定完蛋.
最近我真的为我的华文程度与成绩担心. 虽然我可以讲流利的华语, 而用笔写出来的文字表达差得要命. 记得去年还好, 可是今年开始, 成绩就一落千丈. 我也在想怎么回事? 真是令我担忧. 不是我要讲的, 但是天理何在? 老爹跟别人大多是讲华语, 可见不是很有用. 那些吃马铃薯的人那么容易取得比我还好几倍的成绩, 有些华文成绩辉煌. 而我呢? 名落孙山. 要来鼎我的睾丸的话, 恐怕你需要从海里把它拉上山顶上. 看到那些没讲华语的人, 整天只讲 "性感" 英语, 真是令我火冒三丈. 你们以为英语酷, 追女朋友厉害? 呵呵. 一天我把你的头砍下来当足球踢, 看你会说什么. 但是我应该是做不到这点, 因为现在法律严厉, 一想砍下你的头会有人把我捉走说我是什么恐怖集团的人.
事实有时很残酷. 有些人读书对他们说没问题, 易如反掌. 有些人有科学天份, 音乐天份, 好口才等. 很可惜在新加坡我们从小就须读各种科目, 真令我这种人伤脑筋. 我只会做科学和数学, 他偏偏就要我读人文课和语文. 好咯, 算你们赢了. 我们这些科学数学的人就好象大便一样, 要读英语华语不时一步登天的事, 坦白的讲, 亿万的脚步也不能登丘哦. 我真是羡慕那些口才好的人文课的人才. 容易欺骗别人是件好事. 开口说一两句话, 那个傻瓜就便会相信你. 要考好成绩, 考数学科学前几天不断复习, 练习, 等等, 一定可以考好来. 不象我们, 读了几年也没什么用. 天下事情非公平. 你自己去考虑, 有什么是公平的? 连做爱也没有公平. 觉得世上有公平的人真是愚蠢. 一旦你遇上不幸或遭遇, 你就会明白. 大家: 醒觉吧! 大开双眼看世界, 请勿管中窥豹, 否则管里的豹过来把你吃掉. 那时我会在远处用望远镜看你往哪儿跑. 哈哈哈...........
最近我真的为我的华文程度与成绩担心. 虽然我可以讲流利的华语, 而用笔写出来的文字表达差得要命. 记得去年还好, 可是今年开始, 成绩就一落千丈. 我也在想怎么回事? 真是令我担忧. 不是我要讲的, 但是天理何在? 老爹跟别人大多是讲华语, 可见不是很有用. 那些吃马铃薯的人那么容易取得比我还好几倍的成绩, 有些华文成绩辉煌. 而我呢? 名落孙山. 要来鼎我的睾丸的话, 恐怕你需要从海里把它拉上山顶上. 看到那些没讲华语的人, 整天只讲 "性感" 英语, 真是令我火冒三丈. 你们以为英语酷, 追女朋友厉害? 呵呵. 一天我把你的头砍下来当足球踢, 看你会说什么. 但是我应该是做不到这点, 因为现在法律严厉, 一想砍下你的头会有人把我捉走说我是什么恐怖集团的人.
事实有时很残酷. 有些人读书对他们说没问题, 易如反掌. 有些人有科学天份, 音乐天份, 好口才等. 很可惜在新加坡我们从小就须读各种科目, 真令我这种人伤脑筋. 我只会做科学和数学, 他偏偏就要我读人文课和语文. 好咯, 算你们赢了. 我们这些科学数学的人就好象大便一样, 要读英语华语不时一步登天的事, 坦白的讲, 亿万的脚步也不能登丘哦. 我真是羡慕那些口才好的人文课的人才. 容易欺骗别人是件好事. 开口说一两句话, 那个傻瓜就便会相信你. 要考好成绩, 考数学科学前几天不断复习, 练习, 等等, 一定可以考好来. 不象我们, 读了几年也没什么用. 天下事情非公平. 你自己去考虑, 有什么是公平的? 连做爱也没有公平. 觉得世上有公平的人真是愚蠢. 一旦你遇上不幸或遭遇, 你就会明白. 大家: 醒觉吧! 大开双眼看世界, 请勿管中窥豹, 否则管里的豹过来把你吃掉. 那时我会在远处用望远镜看你往哪儿跑. 哈哈哈...........
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
从今以后, 为了训练我的表达能力, 我会尽量用华文在这博客上发表意见. 如果你跟我是蛮熟的, 你会发觉我华语上的表达不是很好, 每次都会搀一些英语或广东话. 其实这是一个坏习惯. 搀来搀去, 我自己发现我用的华语程度很差. 我讲话可能是蛮流利的, 但用的词汇不是很深, 所以可能表达不出一个事情的大小. 请大家在博客上要发表意见时也开始用话语.
让我像平时一样来说一说今天领悟的一些道理. 如果你有听过 的 , 仔细地看一看副歌里的歌词. 有一句说我觉得我在走动, 但我没有方向. 现代社会当然很繁忙, 做完一件事, 就有另一件事. 但是讲真的, 谁有慢一步, 再三思考到底自己在做什么? 比如有一些小朋友, 终日读书, 可是为了隐瞒这 "真理", 他却到处乱批评或取笑别人太用工读书, 书呆子等等. 想一想, 这样对你有什么好处? 为什么欺骗自己? 很好玩? 欺骗自己欺骗他人, 以后可能取得辉煌的成就/成绩, 但是有一天你去慢慢思考以前所做的事, 其实是很卑鄙无耻的行为, 呵呵. 我已开始在设想你对你这种行为的反应.
有时想想, 我会有点尴尬. 为什么我会在做一些事情? 比如以前我喜欢模仿那个硬同性恋. 想起来就觉得蛮可笑的, 既然当时的我那么喜欢讲废话, 做无聊的动作. 但在这时候我想指出一些人的另我担忧的行为. 就是如果你认识这小孩子, 你就会懂这个错误的作为. 那问题是在他如果对某件事情,他自己认为有足够的知识, 他并会微妙地暗示他很利害. 如果他渐渐讲得越来越激动, 他就会开始讲周围的人在这里那里的问题, 缺乏一些明显的因素. 问题出于那个人早已知道他自己的短处/问题, 已经开始对症下药. 而那个小朋友这样来讲人家, 当然对方会以为他在存心想为难他, 想要让他在大家面前丢一点脸, 自己却被视为伟大的人物. 弟兄姐妹, 千万要小心这种人. 在这世界上, 一定会有这种人, 跟他们办事的话, 要提高警惕, 小心谨慎地 "处理" 这种人. 哈哈哈.....
让我像平时一样来说一说今天领悟的一些道理. 如果你有听过
有时想想, 我会有点尴尬. 为什么我会在做一些事情? 比如以前我喜欢模仿那个硬同性恋. 想起来就觉得蛮可笑的, 既然当时的我那么喜欢讲废话, 做无聊的动作. 但在这时候我想指出一些人的另我担忧的行为. 就是如果你认识这小孩子, 你就会懂这个错误的作为. 那问题是在他如果对某件事情,他自己认为有足够的知识, 他并会微妙地暗示他很利害. 如果他渐渐讲得越来越激动, 他就会开始讲周围的人在这里那里的问题, 缺乏一些明显的因素. 问题出于那个人早已知道他自己的短处/问题, 已经开始对症下药. 而那个小朋友这样来讲人家, 当然对方会以为他在存心想为难他, 想要让他在大家面前丢一点脸, 自己却被视为伟大的人物. 弟兄姐妹, 千万要小心这种人. 在这世界上, 一定会有这种人, 跟他们办事的话, 要提高警惕, 小心谨慎地 "处理" 这种人. 哈哈哈.....
Sunday, April 20, 2008
tyco never 3 times. it's the truth. now i see. next time play basketball this shall happen. erps. but nver mind. back to the important part. u c that in life u hav to be a thinking player. and there will be tests to let ppl see whether u're that thinking player. the person hu make things happen. rather than idiots hu sit and wait for miracles to happen. not only 1 miracle. it's thousands of miracles. i wonder how some ppl came into hci oso without a brain. maybe the brain was functioning for 12 years, after that it either turned useless or it turned into a tripod. yes. it's the truth. some ppl the brain thinks. the brain thinks about using the person as a tripod for any sagging places.
but anw before i judge ppl it's important to remind me and every1 else. when u judge ppl, is that guy some1 dat u noe quite well? if not it's not called judging. is giving others ur impression of a certain ass or person or genius. yes. and b4 u judge let's talk about a sad story. u c i fail a subject. den unfortunately tyco never happen 3 times ma. so unfortunately some ppl tink i'm lousy in that area. and i never do anyting. this is called judging already. and the worst is some ppl come and sae i never do anyting regarding this matter. when the bitter, unpalatable truth is that i've put in alot of effort. but unfortunately no results. see the world judges u by results. i do alot for this ting. but the unlucky ting is no results. 成绩. 后果. 这世界真是残忍. 有人华文程度差, 考试测验不及格, 人家就讲你是 ang moh? jiak kantang? 吃马铃薯. 过分. 如果没有看到老爹用心读那几百个成语词语, 你闭嘴. 这种死猪头. 而且还感讲我不以为然. 恶心的态度哦你这种人. 小心一点. 一天我把整个易经念出来, 看你是不是诧愕. 可能现在是情况不妙, 一两年也是这样. 但是如果我放弃一切而终日子研究那个同性恋的易经, 我等着瞧你那张吃惊的脸.
想一想. 你看到的这几行字, 你可能觉得我华文真是够差. 哈哈. 随便你. 由你来猜我的程度是多差的. 但是我也不要一些人读了这个悲剧, 有想帮我台起睾丸的阴谋, 而来无缘无故来教我华文. 如果你这样做, 一旦被我发现, 我保证你粉身碎骨....
but anw before i judge ppl it's important to remind me and every1 else. when u judge ppl, is that guy some1 dat u noe quite well? if not it's not called judging. is giving others ur impression of a certain ass or person or genius. yes. and b4 u judge let's talk about a sad story. u c i fail a subject. den unfortunately tyco never happen 3 times ma. so unfortunately some ppl tink i'm lousy in that area. and i never do anyting. this is called judging already. and the worst is some ppl come and sae i never do anyting regarding this matter. when the bitter, unpalatable truth is that i've put in alot of effort. but unfortunately no results. see the world judges u by results. i do alot for this ting. but the unlucky ting is no results. 成绩. 后果. 这世界真是残忍. 有人华文程度差, 考试测验不及格, 人家就讲你是 ang moh? jiak kantang? 吃马铃薯. 过分. 如果没有看到老爹用心读那几百个成语词语, 你闭嘴. 这种死猪头. 而且还感讲我不以为然. 恶心的态度哦你这种人. 小心一点. 一天我把整个易经念出来, 看你是不是诧愕. 可能现在是情况不妙, 一两年也是这样. 但是如果我放弃一切而终日子研究那个同性恋的易经, 我等着瞧你那张吃惊的脸.
想一想. 你看到的这几行字, 你可能觉得我华文真是够差. 哈哈. 随便你. 由你来猜我的程度是多差的. 但是我也不要一些人读了这个悲剧, 有想帮我台起睾丸的阴谋, 而来无缘无故来教我华文. 如果你这样做, 一旦被我发现, 我保证你粉身碎骨....
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
hahahhaahhaaahaahhahhhha. seems lyk i shld come back wif a little more theories. after dat one about that buay song other ppl. it's time to clear this world of elitism. if i had the deathnote den i tell u some of the ppl inside will be elitists who are not interested in improving the lousy. i mean everybody now confirm is elitist. confirm one. there is this sense of elitism in every1. but even so u muz do ur best to help the lousier ones. it's the truth. y u wan the gap between best and worst to be fat? there's no use wad. the gap can be very fat. but so what? u shld help those at the bottom end.
but rmb there is a clause to helping these ppl. if these ppl are either too hopeless/dun bother about themselves, den too bad. dun bother helping. but if they are willing to be learning, den go and help. dun b and asshole of a shit.
but rmb there is a clause to helping these ppl. if these ppl are either too hopeless/dun bother about themselves, den too bad. dun bother helping. but if they are willing to be learning, den go and help. dun b and asshole of a shit.
at last got 1 day no homework. it deserves a celebration and some fireworks. and now i found out some smart kids do that cancelling thing. now i c. it works juz lyk magic. juz look at this. cancel abit stupid anyway. since there's some time left let's tok. well again i said life is not about winning. it's true. it's not about winning. but unfortunately our screwed society tells us u muz win or else u're s2pid loser. so every1 needs to win. every1 muz win. so that they wont see u as some idiot. but i'm very happy that some people around me has seen past the winning business. they hav seen that u dun hav to b over something to b good. competitive spirit muz b use wisely. and those wif strong competitive better use it properly. before anything happens to u.
but u nid to know that life is about improving urself consistently, constantly, conscientiously. it's true. if u dowan to improve but only wan to win, that's too bad. improving not only improving on wad ppl can see u as. u can improve inside. ur brain. go and 修炼. and so on stuff of training. not lyk some ppl when tok about training only is training and improving on wad ppl can see. wad ppl see when they see u is maybe ur hair, ur dick, ur face etc. then wad they see may be mouth and actions. but most ppl fail to see this more impt part. which is called the mind and thinking. they cannot differentiate whether that person is toking using his hand as a tripod or whether that person is toking the truth and speaking with conscience. as far as i can see many ppl only know how to speak with that tripod, ready to support those sagging balls of ppl. lousy idiots. but well as composition skills teach me must end the compo wif upbeat tone, hopeful tone. so i shall not today be hopeful by typing more stuff which will make alot of sense.
use ur brain and think. think whether wad u hav done hav made the people closest to u happy and the people who u are in contact with are ok with u. if there's anything provoking about ur stupid actions den apologise. and another ting. make good with the people u can be with. good people difficult to meet and y u bother pissing them off. bad people easier to meet and there's no need to piss ppl off. y u piss ppl off? does that make u happy??? if it does den well it's not my fault already. it's ur problem. u and ur ego. u tink having a reason to piss some ppl off is the best ting to do and it will make u happy. i tell u u piss innocent but bad ppl off u're pissing off every1 around that person. s2pid idiots. and then the worst ting u can do is next. which is usually to plp those nice ppl around u and around that guy. and then make every feel falsely happy. but anyway i wonder one day wad u will tink of ur actions. and usually u piss ppl off not for genuine reason - but for a stupidly stupidly childish reason. but unfortunately ur life is not for me to govern. i can campaign here for as much as i want but den if u dowan to heed lao dyea advice den too bad. and it's not like u can ctrl wad i type here. and i cant ctrl u oso. cos i'm not hitler.
but u nid to know that life is about improving urself consistently, constantly, conscientiously. it's true. if u dowan to improve but only wan to win, that's too bad. improving not only improving on wad ppl can see u as. u can improve inside. ur brain. go and 修炼. and so on stuff of training. not lyk some ppl when tok about training only is training and improving on wad ppl can see. wad ppl see when they see u is maybe ur hair, ur dick, ur face etc. then wad they see may be mouth and actions. but most ppl fail to see this more impt part. which is called the mind and thinking. they cannot differentiate whether that person is toking using his hand as a tripod or whether that person is toking the truth and speaking with conscience. as far as i can see many ppl only know how to speak with that tripod, ready to support those sagging balls of ppl. lousy idiots. but well as composition skills teach me must end the compo wif upbeat tone, hopeful tone. so i shall not today be hopeful by typing more stuff which will make alot of sense.
use ur brain and think. think whether wad u hav done hav made the people closest to u happy and the people who u are in contact with are ok with u. if there's anything provoking about ur stupid actions den apologise. and another ting. make good with the people u can be with. good people difficult to meet and y u bother pissing them off. bad people easier to meet and there's no need to piss ppl off. y u piss ppl off? does that make u happy??? if it does den well it's not my fault already. it's ur problem. u and ur ego. u tink having a reason to piss some ppl off is the best ting to do and it will make u happy. i tell u u piss innocent but bad ppl off u're pissing off every1 around that person. s2pid idiots. and then the worst ting u can do is next. which is usually to plp those nice ppl around u and around that guy. and then make every feel falsely happy. but anyway i wonder one day wad u will tink of ur actions. and usually u piss ppl off not for genuine reason - but for a stupidly stupidly childish reason. but unfortunately ur life is not for me to govern. i can campaign here for as much as i want but den if u dowan to heed lao dyea advice den too bad. and it's not like u can ctrl wad i type here. and i cant ctrl u oso. cos i'm not hitler.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
back to my nonsense. i'm back here trying to campaign against certain young men who only get their fair share of happiness by trying to show that they can win other ppl. they think once they are over someone they are god. but are u sure? let me giv 1 example. this certain young gentleman. maybe he doesn't really show competitiveness. usually quite normal, but unfortunately part of him is lyk me. enjoy straight tok. but the ting is he straight tok with not alot of diplomacy. so wad happens is that this mix with an unconscious competitiveness. so in the end will go around and 得罪人. u noe. so i tink this is wrong. conscious or unconscious i tink u shall never use competitiveness to try to win over someone and gloat. ok u can win over someone and feel happy. but when u feel happy u shuddup. as a matter of fact u tink u've reached the 炉火纯青地步. 但是让我跟你坦白地讲, 如果你真的是这样想, 那你得罪更多人, 以后没有真正好朋友, 不要说老爹没有警告过你.
yes. that's right. but once again. i seem to hav lost to the computer and online resources. they quite accurately tok about my style. interesting stuff. these ppl are quite clever to use qn to do something to see wad i am. smart kids. but as i always sae the human style of doing tings in the world changes all the time. it can change every second, every minute, every 10 years, every month, every decade etc. it's true. but really at that time it's always good to undersatnd hu u are. this is so that u can improve urself. alot of ppl not 知己. they are not this type of ppl. cos they dont want to actually. some of these ppl really never go and consider wad's wrong with themselves. they don't bother. and i wonder y oso.
yes. that's right. but once again. i seem to hav lost to the computer and online resources. they quite accurately tok about my style. interesting stuff. these ppl are quite clever to use qn to do something to see wad i am. smart kids. but as i always sae the human style of doing tings in the world changes all the time. it can change every second, every minute, every 10 years, every month, every decade etc. it's true. but really at that time it's always good to undersatnd hu u are. this is so that u can improve urself. alot of ppl not 知己. they are not this type of ppl. cos they dont want to actually. some of these ppl really never go and consider wad's wrong with themselves. they don't bother. and i wonder y oso.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
new stuff. i tink i said this b4. every1 shld be given a freedom of right to feel shiok whichever way they want. but unfortunately i want to condemn one type of ppl hu lyk to feel shiok in a way that is bad. i never sae cannot. i juz sae i condemn, which means i tink shldn't happen and i dun lyk the way it is done. u c this type of ppl. they are juz lyk normal ppl. maybe except a few exceptions lyk my good fren. but u c they feel shiok when winning. and some more is win in leisurely activities. very competitive. they only feel very fun when they are winning. when they lose they will complain eh this one is not fair etc. or when they noe they cannot win in sth they will not participate and sae some 风凉话. dat's right young men. they lyk to sae 风凉话. losers. stand at the side and sae such stuff. but i wonder hav they ever thought wad for? y only feel shiok when they can win? y dowan to participate in a mass when most likely u cannot win? i wonder. it seems lyk only when it's clear cut u can win den u will go for it eh. hahhaahhahaahahahaha. maybe u might sae cos my tinking is screwed. i dun lyk to win etc. but dat's not true. hu doesn't want to win?
but once again it's how u want to view winning and losing. i mean wad do u take? winning and losing is the result and i noe it means alot to some ppl. e.g. win soccer is very shiok for one guy but losing is sth very big and then they will dulan dick erect for 10 days. i wonder y. but for others is play game let's enjoyment. coca cola. u noe. how do u wan to view ur leisure. if u wan to turn into some idiot hu is very close to me, play dota will do shouting and screaming and cursing and sexing. i wonder for wad? y cannot lose once, lose twice, anyhow play dota? will u die by losing in dota? if u die well den it's not my fault already la. none of my business. and again sometimes many tings are not up to me to decide. it's up to u to decide. if u wan to continue being such a competitive person over wad u tink u can do very well den go ahead. as a matter of fact many a time i dun feel shiok being better than others. many mistake me for being so. i wonder y. if u're this type of ppl i suggest u shld look into ur heart. and find something in there. and after looking dun tell me u only found ur wad cardiac muscle.
but once again it's how u want to view winning and losing. i mean wad do u take? winning and losing is the result and i noe it means alot to some ppl. e.g. win soccer is very shiok for one guy but losing is sth very big and then they will dulan dick erect for 10 days. i wonder y. but for others is play game let's enjoyment. coca cola. u noe. how do u wan to view ur leisure. if u wan to turn into some idiot hu is very close to me, play dota will do shouting and screaming and cursing and sexing. i wonder for wad? y cannot lose once, lose twice, anyhow play dota? will u die by losing in dota? if u die well den it's not my fault already la. none of my business. and again sometimes many tings are not up to me to decide. it's up to u to decide. if u wan to continue being such a competitive person over wad u tink u can do very well den go ahead. as a matter of fact many a time i dun feel shiok being better than others. many mistake me for being so. i wonder y. if u're this type of ppl i suggest u shld look into ur heart. and find something in there. and after looking dun tell me u only found ur wad cardiac muscle.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
management. man management. work management. time management. sexual contact management. all these are important in ur life. look around u. man management very impt. i mean isn't it obvious that it is so crucial in life. the people around u are the sort of closer people, from family to frens to acquaintances to ladies u meet from nowhere. u gotta noe how to handle each and every type. next is time. time is yea wonderfully magically idiotic ting to manage. lousy time management and u might as well hav wasted the whole day. wif good time management and efficiency and qc u will get urself to magical heights. very important. nowadays we're all faced wif alot of work. work management well is quite related to time management. and as for sexual contact. i mean everyting is quite interdisciplinary, so i tink this would fall under man management and time management oso. i mean in such a world, last time is focus on one, now if u put everyting together lyk a rojak it's the way to go. seriously.
how i wish i could go back to the times when it was not so industrialised, technology so good that type of times. i mean how shiok can it be man. u study maybe quality around the same. but all the wadever projects, wad portfolio shit is not there yet. leaders stand out by themselves, and not cos some idiot go and pia all those leadership stuff. and i mean once again i hav to lauch a scathing attack on these idiots. well, u expend lots of energy juz to plp teachers, go into every single course and cip club etc etc. for wad?? get a good job? fine get a good job. but can u get people very easily? maybe u hav a mouth that is so watery, the first word and face u giv to the other guy is such a nice face and nice voice lyk as if got flower one. stupid idiots. see now u noe y i want to go back to those times, where people do community service out of their own will, and not for the sake of the blady portfolio? asses. nowadays cos ppl wan u all to do service u all do. i tell u for ang moh most of them they do service is they wan to do. wif the exception of again a bunch of idiots hu are very pia in everyting. well. that's a sad story man. this is the world.
well i mean anyone would like to go back in time. i would want to relive my childhood days. c'mon man i did not have fun laughter peace and joy alot man. this is a very sad ting. i hav not alot of fun laughter peace and joy. if u do hav treasure those memories. my best memories weren't alot. all i can rmb was watching pokemon? do taekwondo? yugioh maybe. other than that i dun rmb anyting. wad sort of shit man. i hope every1 out there has enjoyed childhood. even for some people now hu are still living in fun laughter peace and joy i really envy u all how u can kip staying at that stage. i mean its good and bad. for me very sad. some people tink i still very stupid, i dun tink, very easily swayed by other people. c'mon man. if u wan tink i'm like this den once again i would sae fine. so be it. u wan tink this way? ok lor. sadly speaking, u can never judge a person by strong assumption or by the cover. this 2 ways are the biggest mistake u can make when judging a person. (the assumption here must be strong enough. for e.g. the person had sex only once, but u sae the person is very immoral, like a piece of shit. something like this)
how i wish i could go back to the times when it was not so industrialised, technology so good that type of times. i mean how shiok can it be man. u study maybe quality around the same. but all the wadever projects, wad portfolio shit is not there yet. leaders stand out by themselves, and not cos some idiot go and pia all those leadership stuff. and i mean once again i hav to lauch a scathing attack on these idiots. well, u expend lots of energy juz to plp teachers, go into every single course and cip club etc etc. for wad?? get a good job? fine get a good job. but can u get people very easily? maybe u hav a mouth that is so watery, the first word and face u giv to the other guy is such a nice face and nice voice lyk as if got flower one. stupid idiots. see now u noe y i want to go back to those times, where people do community service out of their own will, and not for the sake of the blady portfolio? asses. nowadays cos ppl wan u all to do service u all do. i tell u for ang moh most of them they do service is they wan to do. wif the exception of again a bunch of idiots hu are very pia in everyting. well. that's a sad story man. this is the world.
well i mean anyone would like to go back in time. i would want to relive my childhood days. c'mon man i did not have fun laughter peace and joy alot man. this is a very sad ting. i hav not alot of fun laughter peace and joy. if u do hav treasure those memories. my best memories weren't alot. all i can rmb was watching pokemon? do taekwondo? yugioh maybe. other than that i dun rmb anyting. wad sort of shit man. i hope every1 out there has enjoyed childhood. even for some people now hu are still living in fun laughter peace and joy i really envy u all how u can kip staying at that stage. i mean its good and bad. for me very sad. some people tink i still very stupid, i dun tink, very easily swayed by other people. c'mon man. if u wan tink i'm like this den once again i would sae fine. so be it. u wan tink this way? ok lor. sadly speaking, u can never judge a person by strong assumption or by the cover. this 2 ways are the biggest mistake u can make when judging a person. (the assumption here must be strong enough. for e.g. the person had sex only once, but u sae the person is very immoral, like a piece of shit. something like this)
Thursday, April 03, 2008
thinking. is what people lack. looking into things even deeper, from different perspectives. is what people lack oso. unfortunately once again s2pid idiots will sae wad la i look into things so deep as deep as a vagina. dat's right. u only can see as deep as a vagina. when i sae deep i mean marianas trench. peru trench etc. geddit. u tink wad tinking as deep as a vagina will get u somewhere? never. if u bother to look at things from many different ways and think about it, u will get somewhere. but unfortunately the society doesn't giv u time. so well u gotta find time. or else u will stay at that spot. losers.
and anw to those people thinking that normal people are normal. cok people are cock. there's no such thing. if they are really like this something is wrong in their life. e.g. if the cock people inside is really nonsense then their life very good. fun laughter peace and joy. but too bad. if u live a life of this fun and laughter u will never get anywhere. u tink wad every toking about sex is a fun thing? what happens after sex? abortion? u hav money u do it. wad hav u thought? hav u bothered about children? hav u bothered about money? hav u worried about marriage? hav u worried about wad will happen to the girl u had sex with?? wad if she is not during the menopause period? sorry to spoil ur mood those horny asses out there. u gotta consider all these things. as a matter of fact. think about it. usually the most cheerful people in front of every1 may not be the most cheerful inside themselves. and that's the truth. the try to talk nonsense one is usually those fun laughter peace and joy type. well this may be a generalisation. but it somehow works something like this.
and i'm very glad that certain people hav really started thinking. respect to these people. they hav started waking up already. very good. or shld i sae show that they've woken up. cos they dun show it at first, people will tink they haven't. but i'm very proud of these people that they hav started to show something. which is very good. but pls if u hav woken up, and actually it's juz a facade. den i tell u u haven't grown up idiot.
and anw to those people thinking that normal people are normal. cok people are cock. there's no such thing. if they are really like this something is wrong in their life. e.g. if the cock people inside is really nonsense then their life very good. fun laughter peace and joy. but too bad. if u live a life of this fun and laughter u will never get anywhere. u tink wad every toking about sex is a fun thing? what happens after sex? abortion? u hav money u do it. wad hav u thought? hav u bothered about children? hav u bothered about money? hav u worried about marriage? hav u worried about wad will happen to the girl u had sex with?? wad if she is not during the menopause period? sorry to spoil ur mood those horny asses out there. u gotta consider all these things. as a matter of fact. think about it. usually the most cheerful people in front of every1 may not be the most cheerful inside themselves. and that's the truth. the try to talk nonsense one is usually those fun laughter peace and joy type. well this may be a generalisation. but it somehow works something like this.
and i'm very glad that certain people hav really started thinking. respect to these people. they hav started waking up already. very good. or shld i sae show that they've woken up. cos they dun show it at first, people will tink they haven't. but i'm very proud of these people that they hav started to show something. which is very good. but pls if u hav woken up, and actually it's juz a facade. den i tell u u haven't grown up idiot.
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