Wednesday, December 26, 2007

i hav started to turn very philosophical. 1stly i hav to say to survive in this blady society u hav to study or find any skill that will give you money. simply speaking u hav to find a means to make urself money and then get what u need to survive. but wad's after that? where's a meaning to life? what are u living for? ask urself. if u do bother to read my blog. what are u here for? why are u here? u mite as well fk off from the face of the earth rite? after this u tink. wad gonna happen to u when u die? go to nowhere? ok if go to nowhere isn't that good? den i mite as well go around killing people, fucking girls and everyting. den i mite as well juz end my life now. since i'm going nowhere after this.

now i saw this in a website and i tot it was very interesting. u all may not be bothered to read this at all. atheist. i dun care. dowan read den too bad. all i can sae is u go tink where are u gonna go after dying? u live on earth to live wif nl and fucktards issit? find ur own meaning to life babies. and if u tink i'm a fucktard myself then too bad. dowan read? the close button is at top right corner. or wherever it is on ur com. read the below

This is a three part cumulative argument, starting with the weakest andending with the strongest. The first, although it doesn't prove thatGod exists, shows how an atheist lives inconsistently with theirbelief. The second lays down all the empirical facts and shows that thebest explanation for all of the facts is that God exists. And thethird is the scientific argument which shows that even science pointsto a God. Keep in mind that no presumption made can be proved as truefor CERTAIN. I'm simply showing you that the belief in a theisticuniverse is the best explaination for the world's existence. Thescientific theories that I will use to back up the argument for theexistence of God have not yet been disproved and are all backed up withstrong evidence such as the Principle of Causality, the Big BangTheory, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics. IF YOUR PRESUMPTION THAT"THERE IS NO THEISTIC UNIVERSE" IS BASED ON SCIENTIFIC THEORIES OTHERTHAN THE THEORIES JUST MENTIONED, PLEASE TELL ME AND EXPLAIN, BUT FIRSTREAD THROUGH WHY I THINK THEY POINT TO GOD.

I) Psychological Argument For The Existence Of God.Either God exists or He doesn't. If God doesn't exist then there arethree things that are true.
A) Life holds no ULTIMATE significance. Even if you argued thatthere is significance in your life such as the enjoyment of doing anything you want, it would not be the Ultimate significance because everyone who has lived or will live in the future will eventually end up in the grave. Even ifreincarnation exists everyone will still die and become nothing becausethe world is slowly deteriorating down to nothing itself.
B) Life has no value. Everthing is permissible. There is no suchthing as right and wrong because there is no all knowing and allpowerful Creator to define what is good and what is bad. It becomessociety who tries to define it. What does that matter though if the people making laws define right from wrong. They are just as human as any other person in the world. The only thing that truly exists is personal preference. What Hitler, Stalin, or any other mass murderer did was not wrong at all. They simply had a different personal preference than you do. The point is, you shouldn't tell anyone thatthey are wrong or even right because they aren't either of thosethings. You can believe that its wrong, but you have no place toground it. People can do anything they want to do without getting punished for their actions if the world lived consistently with the belief that God doesn't exist.
C) There is no purpose to life. Life has no ultimate goal. There is no reason for living. Sacrifice for someone else's life would be stupid.

This argument shows that an atheist lives inconsistently with their own belief. If a murderer who believed murder to be ok, came into your house to brutally murder you and your family, would you think that HE is wrong to do that? If you said no, that he isn't doing any thing wrong, then you would be living consistantly with your beliefs. But ifyou said yes, then you would live as if there were objective morals.But if there is no god to define objective morality then there is only subjective morality. So by saying it is wrong makes it only your opinion, but not the murderers opinion. You would be "pushing your morality on him" which is the opposite of what you believe. You probably believe that "it is wrong to push your morality on another person." Even that statement right there is another objective moral statement. In other words you express your opinions, but don't alwayslive by them.

II) Probable argument. Scientist say that if you have a group of facts out there, you should have a paradigm that best explains these facts. Here are the facts thateveryone who's sane would agree on.
A) Religious experience
What ever culture you go into, people are incurably religious. In every culture you see three things.
1) Everyone, except the atheist, worships a being higher thanthemselves.
2) Everyone has a morality they cannot keep.
3) Everyone is psychologically unsatisfied. People feel anemptiness in themselves that they want to fill. If the material worldwas the only thing that existed and if all your material needs weremet, you should be satesfied right? But how come people who have themost wealth are usually the most unhappy. They constantly want more andmore.
And how can you explain the millions of people in the worldwho say they have felt the closeness of God in their lives? Ipersonally am included with them. I have felt God's presence in my lifeon a consistent basis. Now how can you rationally explain that without God's existence?
B) Miracles.
There are many people in the world who report seeing miracles. Inother words there are people who say that they saw a situation occurwhere there is no naturalistic explanation for it. I personally knowpeople who have had miraculous situations occur, such as immediatehealings. You might argue that science will someday explain those things, but right now you can't explain them. The best explaination isGod, because if God created the world then it wouldn't be hard tobelieve that he can intervene supernaturally in this world.
C) Morality
How do you explain where guilt comes from? How do you explain why all people in the world have this feeling called a conscience that seems to tell them that something is wrong, such as murder. How come people feel a heavy weight on their emotions called guilt when they do something wrong, such as lie and steal, and the best thing to do to take the weight off themselves is to tell the truth and/or ask for forgiveness. If God doesn't exist, then how could you rationally explain all that?
D) Design
First of all, explain the existence of the world. How can you haves omething and not nothing? We see a world so complex that it looks like someone designed it. It has an incredible amount of order to it. If you walked on a beach and saw the words "I love you" written in the sand,would you say, "Isn't it funny how the water by random chance formed those words in the sand." No, you would think that some person wrotethose words themselves. If you took apart a computer and examined the complex parts, would you say, "Isn't it funny how a building with mechanical parts exploded and by random chance came together and created this computer." no, you would think that an intelligent designer spent his time to put the computer together. But how come you see a world full of more complexity and order then every man madestructure put together and you assume that no intelligent designer created it? A single strand of DNA has more information on it then the whole Encyclopedia Britannica. You can't even explain it without God.
Tell me, have you ever seen design and never a designer? You might say that science will explain these questions in the future. Do you think then that the belief in God's existence is stupid? I'm just being what any truly rational person should be, looking at the facts and choosing the best explanation for all those facts. That's how any scientific hypotheses works. But you still don't want to believe in God. You are simply not being a rational person with any of the facts that we have. You just don't want to believe it, not for intellectual reasons, but because you just don't want do believe it period, with no evidence on your side.


III) The Cosmological argument
A) Principle of Causality: Everything that comes to be needs a cause. All science is built on the principle of causality. If it didn't exist then we would have to remove the word "because" from our language. How could we really talk without it?
B) Since something cannot come from nothing, something has to be eternal. It's either God or the World.
C) In 1929 a man named Edward Hubble discovered that the redness of the stars showed that the universe was constantly expanding equilaterally in all directions. He said that the best explanation for that is that there must have been a point in time, called the Big Bang theory where the universe was nothing and then came to be.
D) To further the evidence for the universe having a beginning,there is the scientific law, the 2nd law of Thermodynamics. It says heat moves from hotter bodies to cooler bodies until there is an equilibrium. In other words the universe is constantly winding down until there is a heat death in our universe. That just goes to provethat if the world was eternal then heat death would have already occurred, but since it hasn't occured yet, the universe had to have a beginning. You might say, "Maybe new heat is being put into the universe. But the 1st law of Thermodynamics goes against it because it says that there is no new energy being put into the universe. Sinceeverything that comes to be (the world) needs a cause, the best explanation for this is God. Because there is only two explanations that we see exist. 1. God, and 2. the World. God is the best explanation between the two.

The evidence has finally been laid out for you.

I can also show you that a major historical miracle took place by just examining the facts with you. It's the proof that Jesus Christ rosefrom the dead. That he is God in the flesh. That the Bible is completely logically consistent, and that it is God's Word. That it is objectively true and every other religious belief is objectively wrong. I will also rationally answer the question, "Doesn't the existence of EVIL prove that God doesn't exsist?. Please email me if you want me to prove these things for you using rational arguments. If you have anyother questions or comments, please email me.

er the tings up there is taken from a website. not i wrote it. but anw i agree fully with the arguments even if for some i dunno wad the hell he tokin. i wonder y some ppl sae they are atheist. well. all i can sae is one day u'll find out. but i hope it's not too late. especially if u're my fren i do not want to see u in hell. seriously. i wan to see u all in heaven. but if u're a fucktard hu goes to churches that are lyk parties, we'll see. we'll see if that's something nice. or u hav a nice ending. full version from

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