time to show some signs of disillusionment/delusion. i see that there's a mental health week. and recently some of my fb circle post a lot about mental health. (i appreciate all of these.) but till today i have not received a satisfactory response about what happens when a student staying in an NUS residence/hall is at high risk of committing suicide and the follow up actions to it. so far many ppl claim that go to CPS. now, i need to play some bad memories here. CPS has not proven to me that it is really so noble in handling mental health cases. they just wanna kick you out of your residence to prevent suicide. that happened to someone in my circle before. this person talked about his past depression and suicide and some genuinely concerned ppl reported this to the staff, who escalated the matter to CPS. but sadly, how CPS dealt with the situation was to try to remove him out of the college. after going to IMH, IMH doctors all certified him as fine. but CPS was not very keen to allow him back into the residence. it took a whole 2 months or so of ding dong before he could finally stay back in the residence.
if CPS is only keen to do risk-management and has no interest in integrating students with mental health issues into their communities, i think it is basically useless. scrap it and allow other lay people to deal with mental support might as well.
if CPS is only keen to do risk-management and has no interest in integrating students with mental health issues into their communities, i think it is basically useless. scrap it and allow other lay people to deal with mental support might as well.