Sunday, March 31, 2013

it's a funny feeling.

recently on secular level, i pride myself on a restraint game. (not sex restraint game like mohandas ghandi)

i tend to believe that ur ability to not rely on technology (internet-wise) including 3G wadsapp and stuff is a good thing. so i still try to live a life trying to isolate myself from all these messaging as far as possible, and all the skype and facetime and shit.

but it's funny. when i really nid to use these messaging/talking methods i can't take it.

it juz feels so... out of place. like theres nothing to talk on facetime. HAHA...

messaging still fine. but the skype/facetime... really out of place. no idea.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

i tell u satan. get thee out of here.

absolute moral values slowly being diluted.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

u hello, u listen gd.

wad is revealed, thou shall not change it. neither should you heck it. neither should u twist it.

dat's wad u love to do. twist ideas. we humans love to twist ideas for our own purpose.

i state 1st. i tell u, i dun giv a shit about u LBGT or LGBT. the fact that i hav no bother about how the letter is arranged is cos i dun even think it is supposed to b accepted. from a religious point of view, it shall never be accepted to be acceptable practice.

but i tell u sth. i tolerate. reason for tolerance? i ask u this qn. do u tink i am a sinner? fk yes. all humans hav sin, and we come short of the glory of god.

it is this reason, coupled with the fact that i know that it is revealed the being homo is bad, being queer is bad, that i am bringing ppl back to the right way. and today, the right way is not anyone's way. it's not o, u are gay? let me giv u pat on the back.

no. it's, u are gay? today is ur day u turn it around, and follow what god has revealed to us.

geddit? it's not i'm here to say, gay shall be slain by human hands. i did not say that.

wadeva secular world does, mayb wrong mayb right. wadeva they wan do, they do.

for me, i do what is revealed. disclaimer: the spirit is willing, but the flesh weak. i may still fk it up sometimes. but at least i try.

u only trying to twisting ideas. gd try, and let's see wad happens next time. stop twisting, and listen to the instruction of god: the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge.
when we are older we tend to compromise on our values much less.

but it is getting important for me to understand people of other view points.

who am i to say other ppl is definitely wrong? from a religious point of view, i can say certain things quite absolutely, some others may still b debatable.

but definitely, play it safe method is given: that once u follow the commandments of god, it's quite safe. some ppl can't folo, cos they tink if follow i.e. cannot wear wad clothes made of 2 type of fabric n stuff.

these ppl are juz proving their ignorance in their own ignorance. i probably can find the answer, and i've found it on internet. but explaining to each and everyone of them... i hope they can go to any true church (god-fearing and obeying ones) and look it up themselves.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

obtained from private sources.


It has been brought to the school's attention that the people behind the facebook page 'HCI Confession' have been very irresponsible in allowing posts that are inappropriate to be published on the page.
As the page carries the name of the school, and uses the school façade as the 'wallpaper', users should bear in mind that what is being posted directly affects the image of students of Hwa Chong and also demonstrates the level of maturity of Hwa Chong students.
Despite efforts to get in contact with the owners of the page, whom have chosen to ignore the school's prior request to communicate openly, the people behind the page (who are very likely current Hwa Chong students) have instead 'stepped up' the flow of inappropriate content posted on the page, drawing attention of users (many of whom are members of the public) into reading about the lack of school spirit and school pride, such as:
- non-constructively questioning school policies and programmes
- making fun of students and teachers by posting slanderous content (a.k.a. cyber bullying)
- instigating hate and disharmony within the school population by criticizing various student bodies/CCAs
The bane of social media is that you can hide behind a computer screen and post whatever you like. If you are one of the people behind all these, we are terribly ashamed of you.
To the people behind the page, while the posts may not originate from you, the fact that you do not even think about the consequences of allowing those posts to be viewed publicly shows that you are worse than the trolls themselves. You may think that it is funny and entertaining, it is a way to build up the Hwa Chong community, but you've got it all wrong. What you have done is to put the school in jeopardy of being a mockery amongst the educational institutions in Singapore. Who knows what others might think of Hwa Chong students when they criticize about the very school they are receiving their education from, or allow their school to be criticized in an open manner? Talk about 饮水思源.
To the rest of you. If you are a responsible and proud student of Hwa Chong, I have a few suggestions on what you can do:
- Unlike the page
- Unlike all the posts you have previously 'liked' on it
- Remove or do not comment anymore on the posts put up on it
- Encourage the people who have grievances about the school to speak to any of the school leaders
- Share this with your friends
The fad will probably tide down after a while (just like Gangnam Style, or Harlem Shake, etc.), but what is put up online, will stay online forever. What is done, cannot be undone. Hence, please be wise - we did not go through all the education on cyberwellness just to see our own students embarrassing themselves with their behavior online.
To the few individuals behind the page, you ought to be very, very ashamed of what you have done. You may not feel remorseful right now, but perhaps one day, down the road, when you are a victim of online trolling, or cyberbullying, you will understand.
By the way, it's Founder's Day today (21 March). Take pride in being a 华中子弟.
Mr Tan
PC/Student Development


Thursday, March 14, 2013

definitely i understand the need to prop up self as something better than any others.

we advertise ourselves. create an image of ourselves. brand ourselves.

but pardon my antipathy for ppl who can't ditch that in exchange for a strong team.

in a team, every individual contributes so that in the end, the team achieves more than what every individual would have achieved by themselves combined.

i'm disgusted that, though having interacted wif certain ppl, they will still claim credit about that increase in achievement instead of at least acknowledging the effect of team.

they are living in their own egos. for wad?

if u dun think that u achieve more in a team, fuck off. find ur own team. build ur own team. else go b a lone ranger.

think about it, ranger training is team training. in addition, there is a training TEAM to train rangers.

u learn through a team more effectively.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

i am free within my limits.

i juz gotta say this again.

we humans love to flout rules. but that's where we get trapped: when we flout rules and try to make circles and get out of it.

we are trapped, because we nid to continue in these circles round the rules.

i giv u suggestion: stay within the rules and do anything u wan. when u get to the rule controller position, control the rules. instead of trying to bend until u can get wad u wan.

Thursday, March 07, 2013

the lack of failure, or the lack of tolerance of failure, is gonna b the downfall of s'pore.

our first leaders grew through hard times. they fought for independence, they fought against instability, they used strong-man means to get here.

today, our 2nd and 3rd gen leaders know no shit.

they are thriving upon previously built bedrocks, executing bureaucracy after bureaucracy.

there's no true efficiency, no "moral" good they are workign to. they are juz trying to "fit in" with where the money comes. ang moh good, because democracy; here adopt democracy throw away strong-man mentality. china a lot money, make alot business deal with them.

other country wan make money here? easy. allow foreigner come in here to work for other country firm cos their labour cheaper.

wad happen to identity? kena dilution.

this, nvm. but after the ppl know how to speak up, is gov't waking up, or are they still unwilling to "give up" on external ppl? 崇洋 they say. i say cocksuckers.

if u hav been through true hardship u know that u can learn more from the weak than the powerful. how hard are some of our ministers' life? some were scholars, leading the untested life. they were born to well-to-do families or at least families that were willing to let them pursue academics, they held on to scholarships, served in public institutions as LEADERS, or so-called "leaders", worked hard being YES-MEN, and poof, they became a minister.

was that a hard life? no.

today, they earn probably $200k a year? possibly more. i'm not too sure the exact figure, but nvm. how they will understand someone getting $20k a year? no way i'd sae. how to get them to understand and know them?

from unreliable (but to me believable) provenances, wad i know is that all minister in the cabinet supposed to clock time on ground before going on to hard policies. so? they take their time on the ground as masak masak.

take for example my dear SAF generals who switch over. (i'm juz giving a normal example, cos i din do a full understanding of their lives; it can be juz stereotype. read at ur own risk) SAF scholars. what do they see? if they are army, mayb still got in touch wif men when they are platoon commander. once after that, u can tell which one is a scholar OC, and which one is a farmer OC. which one is a scholar comd, or a farmer comd.

i tell a story of difference between scholar and farmer comd. farmer comd was when i juz post in. farmer comd din bother about the R&D of the unit as long as all the products and KPI are satisfied, and a considerably high standard of unit proficiency was achieved.

scholar comd once post in wad happen? talk cock about all the soldier fundamentals and PT. (i.e. wad happen is my chaokeng men once had great times to pcc but now no more chance to chao keng under his scheme) sae wad muz run every mon wed fri, muz closely monitor, less chaokeng, IPPT muz all pass. admin muz gd. wut? yes, he was doing the "RIGHT" thing. but did he fulfill more KPI? i daringly sae no. he was juz a ball squeezer cos of his scholar mentality: he din see how hard life was for any other person. i admit, it isn't difficult to b a man. but how about, it's a toll to someone who is a normal soldier. AND THEY NEVER GET TO UNDERSTAND THIS TOLL OF BEING JUZ ANOTHER PERSON.

cos they only know how isit like to live a path paved for them. the scholar path is laced with dolce and gabanna, red carpets.

and because of this, they think that a man wanted to end up like a man.

when they and any other scholars bring this into the gov't (SAF scholars worst from my cursory analysis because there's a hierachy system in promotion so it adds to the fact that the "top" will not understand wad the bottom actually feels; there's no need to "feel" the bottom if u wanna rise. u juz nid fulfill KPI), that's where all the insensitivity comes. they fail to see the need to understand bottom and at least empathize as a leader. let's sae at least giv a fuck about the bottom. they giv zero fucks about the bottom from wad we can (cursorily) see.

today i state sth. and when lao die sae sth, lao die usually means it.

if i become a scholar, i shall b a game changer. that scholar who does not seek to fulfill KPI and bare minimum and juz hav fun after that. i shall become a leader in my field who work for more than a myopic good. i shall try to contribute to greater good according to my standards (which may include wiping out useless fun at my workplace HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA and replacing it with great thought).

if i become a leader, i shall be different. not for the sake of being different. but to deviate from the CURRENT norm of being so focused, so so absorbed by stupid, useless KPIs and bureaucracy.

this is my vision. a vision for a more thinking community 1st. hopefully, a better vision for the society and anything bigger scale than that.

we stand up for what is right and contribute to sth more than selfishness and carnal wants. stop conforming to useless societal realities. let's do it.

Monday, March 04, 2013

i may disagree with much of the governance that i am living under.

but that doesn't mean i should show total disrespect.

their decisions are made out of their own worldview and some can be self-serving. but that's their reality. they think they are doing it right, but actually they're fucking it up. but i can't juz giv sweeping statement and fuck all of them. no point one. they wun see their problems anw. they will juz jail me.

i believe in governance, that the gov't shld do something that benefit the citizens they are in control of.

sadly, idk who is stronk enuff to take up the job and not end up in any snares. or someone who would actually stay long enough in power and lead with integrity and be able to implement long-lasting positive changes.

mayb a dictatorship wld make sense.

Sunday, March 03, 2013

u know why, u know why u can't do drills under the sun? because u r WEAK!!! FUCKING WEAK I TELL U!!!

i remember the voice and the rough timing which the lao jiao WO shouted that at cadets haha... i like it. cos i can do drills.

but let me juz say sth in that same voice.

u know why u are scared of being judged? because u r WEAK!!! FUCKING WEAK I TELL U!!!

yes. when u perceive urself as insecure, weak, small, nothing, u mind ppl talking about u.

if u're sure about wad shit u doing, u probably wldn't mind. u may spend the effort trying to fight the claims and judgements of u, but u wldn't giv half a shit about it.